The recent incident from a school in Muzaffarnagar highlights, once again, how many of India’s institutions, and its people, are failing the country’s Muslims.

  • originalucifer
    331 year ago

    the only safe spots are those without religion. there is no alternative. we must cull the grasp of religion on humans as we have other barbaric practices if we are to move past this violence and hate.

      • @afraid_of_zombies
        91 year ago

        If cancer was cured tomorrow, people would still eventually die, but I would rather live in a world without cancer than with.

          • Applesauce
            1 year ago

            The amount of people raped, beaten, and murdered in the name of religion is unfathomable. That’s why. We should absolutely deal with climate change AND get rid of all religions.

          • @afraid_of_zombies
            21 year ago

            I don’t know why you don’t think they are related nor do I see why you think we can’t work on more than one problem at once. Also if you want to talk about the lack of unity you might not want to mention religion.

              • andyburke
                41 year ago

                The answer is simple:

                Religion is not based in fact.

                We need solutions based on facts if we are going to handle the problems our species faces.

          • @I_annoy_you
            11 year ago

            there is no peace without it. you think traditional mulims will not oppose trans rights movement? there is no coexistance with people following religious rules.

      • originalucifer
        -11 year ago

        this is the same excuse conservatives use in the united states to keep human killing weapons at home. it doesnt mean we shouldnt get rid of guns. it means we get rid of guns and govern the people

        same here. we can move towards abolishing the root cause of most racism and hate (religion) as well as policing and educating the terrible populace that require it.

        to turn a blind eye on the root cause, is to prove you have motive in its existence.

              • @[email protected]
                41 year ago

                Look at how many hateful atheists there are wanting to force people to abandon religion

                How many? Also, from that point of view religious people are hatefully pushing their beliefs on others.

                People have a right to their religion, or lack-there-of. My point was that religions give permission to hate (in the text), and that’s not ok.

              • @afraid_of_zombies
                31 year ago

                TIL asking for religion to not be involved in secular government and a mean comment on social media is “forced” in the exact same sense of the world the theists of world are doing to us.

  • xuxebikoOP
    131 year ago

    The loving India still beats in many hearts, but the drumbeats of fear and hate are loud and overwhelming. When the world rewards the demagogue spreadng fear and hate, then it makes the situation worse for those who need support in their struggle to get their loving India back.

    G20 leaders will travel to India this month, all world leaders, all with the power to reign in India’s head Hindu supremacist and hatemonger-in-chief. but they won’t. They’ll ignore a locked-down Delhi, they’ll ignore all the ethnic & communal genocide conducted by Hindu supremacists in Manipur & the state-backed pogrom in Haryana, they’ll ignore his dictatorship, They’ll just pander to him and to Hindu supremacism. As they have done since 2014.

      • xuxebikoOP
        1 year ago

        Why should anyone fight India when they can curb his Hindu supremacist hatespeech & violence using diplomatic means? They could’ve & still can exert pressure to stop violence on religious minorities ( Muslims & Christians). But they won’t because he buys their drones & jets at higher-than-usual prices.

        FTR, Modi has already aligned himself with PRC, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. Seen this year’s BRICS meeting?

          • xuxebikoOP
            1 year ago

            67% of India did not support Modi in 2019, and now that percentage has grown.

            India is going to do what best benefits the Indian elites

            Modi is going to do what benefits himself and his crony capitalists. Thats the British East India company model and will impoverish the entire nation for the benefit of 3-4.

            Population is only a strength when they’re educated, are employed, have buying power in a booming economy else it’s a poor country with runaway inflation & the large malnourished majority surviving on subsidised food.

            Does that sound elite to you?

            India was the one preventing China from calling all the shots.

            How? by tantruming and refusing to deplane?

            By releasing reports that the two leaders had “reached a broad understanding to bring about normalcy in relations while simultaneously diffusing the situation on the borders” which China promptly refuted by issuing new maps that show Aksai Chin and the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh as belonging to China?

              • xuxebikoOP
                11 year ago

                Large populations can vastly cut manufacturing costs for simple goods that do not require technical skills.

                we’re not in the stone-age anymore, so what goods are these that don’t require technical skills to manufacture? What will be the earning of people employed in these jobs? will they be able to earn enough to not depend on subsidies for survival? Will they be ableto earn enough for the kids to get eucated? what sort of a nation will we be if we depend on the majority to work in low-skill jobs? This is the future you see for india in 2023? Our freedoe fighterss had better ambitions for us in 1947.

                Large populations can utilize a meat grinder approach to conflicts that smaller nations cannot easily adopt.

                WTF is this argument? Using people as cannon fodder because there are so many of them, their deaths won’t matter? Are you taking lessons from Putin?

                Wait! Is that why we’ve been on the backfoot with China even though they’ve invaded our land multiple times in Ladakh and the NorthEast? Because we’re saving our forces & energy to defend/ attack against smaller neighbours like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal?

                Are you being satirical or funny on purpose? because otherwise…