• regalia
    1010 months ago

    It went okay, I am still recovering from a really difficult weak that put me in the hospital, but luckily I have tomorrow off work to recover some more!

  • Alchemy
    710 months ago

    So far so good! We’re picking up our new kitten later 😺

  • @FFbob
    210 months ago

    I forgot to do my laundry until 2300 last night. I’ll be going in to work on less than 4 hours of sleep. I’ll try to get a nap in.

  • freamon
    110 months ago

    One of my earliest memories is of playing with my Action Man and his jeep - at one point I picked up my sister’s Barbie and plonked her in the passenger seat, thinking “this is fine, I’m not playing with dolls really”. Anyway, then I stood up and cracked my head on the bottom of a cabinet door, hard enough to draw blood. As I stood there, screaming at the sight of blood on my hand, a rogue thought occurred: “This is what you get for playing with the wrong toys”

    So, a sentence that little me could never have predicted: I’m borrowing a copy of the Barbie film from my Internet friend tonight, so that’s my evening sorted.

  • @[email protected]
    110 months ago

    It’s going. Money stress right now, and I’m about to take my car in to get looked at since the battery light came on… if it costs over $500, I’m fucked.

  • @[email protected]
    110 months ago

    Yeah I’m broke right now so I’m just trying to hold out until payday.

    I hate this though because it makes me want to eat more. I’m having to like pace myself so I don’t eat everything in my house in one go.

  • @[email protected]
    110 months ago

    I was late for work today for the first time in a while but we’ll see how the rest of the day goes