Any recommendations?
Get an emulator and play Shadowrun for Sega Genesis.
I played this game forever ago (well early-mid 2000s from some kind of emulator) and my younger self was so bad at it. I should give it another go some time, I did once try playing it again a year or so ago but for some reason I was convinced it was the SNES game and wondered why it looked nothing like I remember.
Technically it’s voxelart, but Cloudpunk
Edit: and Beneath a Steel Sky
Haven’t played it yet, but Norco
Finally, CrossCode isn’t cyberpunk, it’s just really good.
VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
Neuromancer - the 1988 adventure game Mutationem springs to mind
I’m probably going to get laughed at, but “RoboCop Versus the Terminator” is pretty cyberpunky.
Edit: I guess that’s ASCII art