My players are following the Han & Chewie path from smugglers / mercs to wanting to be part of something bigger, namely the fledgling Rebellion. They have done a couple of jobs for a small rebel cell. Has anyone mixed Duty, Obligation, and / or Conflict (for the Force sensitive in the group)?

  • cdipierr
    21 year ago

    I tried really hard. For the first 1.5 years we used Obligation, which is a very fun character driven mechanic. Then when they joined up, everyone chose a Duty.

    Duty worked mostly, though it still felt more like an objective list and I rarely found a way to weave it into the story outside of players being on the prowl for their own opportunities.

    Morality is a bust for me as a GM. I throw conflict at my Force Sensitive players for things that make sense and managed to have players flirt with the dark side before climbing back to the light. But I cannot for the life of me integrate Morality as described in the book. I’m even playing a F&D campaign with 4 Jedi PCs now and still no! It’s just the least compelling mechanic in the whole system IMO. Moral dilemmas are something that happen naturally at the table and trying to map that to some strength and weakness particular to the players just never works for me.