whats ur opinion?

  • Bury The Right
    1 year ago

    The two most obvious answers are either the communists revolts succeeding in Germany in 1919 or the Soviets winning the Soviet-Polish war. Another is maybe if Malenkov managed to stop Khrushchev from coming to power which would both stop the USSR from becoming revisionists and leave no basis for the Sino-Soviet split.

  • Commissar of Antifa
    51 year ago

    Success of German and Hungarian revolutions or avoiding the Marshall Plan. Europe was in ruins after WWII and the US said they would only give assistance to countries that voted for right-wing parties. The CIA also infiltrated the elections of France and Italy to stop communists from winning, since they were very popular after leading the resistance in the war. At the same time, the British and US helped monarchists defeat communists in the Greek Civil War.

  • spyd3r
    -51 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • @[email protected]OP
      31 year ago

      What are libs doing here? You cannot seriously tell me you (as an anti-communist) went making an account on an obviously leftist site. First of all, the numbers that pro-capitalists randomly generate based off how much they want to demonize socialism are drastically inflated. Second of all…define working? Russia under the tsar was a feudal shithole and one of the poorest nations in Europe with an life expectancy of 34, After the communists took over they redistributed land, started a mass-literacy campaign and industrialized at massive speed and ended up defeating the nazis. After the devestation of a civil war, the 2nd ww and sanctions the west bombarded them with, they still were the 2nd biggest growing economy in the world able to compete with the US. They eradicated homelessness, had one of the best education systems in the world, the people were fed and enjoyed much more decision making in their work-places and general life than we in the west could think of but somehow this nation didnt work? The central african republic, after being exploited endlessy by the french now is one of the poorest nations on earth though they are capitalist? So tell me, has capitalism worked for the Central african republic? The only capitalist coutry who benefited of this system of exploitation was France and it has nothing to do with the greatness of capitalism but rather the sheer brutal force the global north uses to exploit the south for its enrichment. People always point at countries like France, Germany, the US etc. who exploited and are still exploiting third world nations to show how well capitalism works and never countries like the Republic of Congo, Burundi, Dr Congo, Malawi etc. Socialism has increased the life expectancy, life quality, literacy rate and more in every country it has been implemented in, a vast majority of them having had to start from feudal, colonial background. You know nothing about socialism, nor do you about its actual history and effect on countries…being so confident in ones own ignorance to make an account on a leftist website just to regurgitate propaganda your masters have spoon-fed you is incredible and foolish.