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The original was posted on /r/AskReddit by /u/JAInTexas on 2023-06-23 01:03:14+00:00.

Original Title: Seven people from Mexico were killed when their boat capsized off San Diego and no one cared, but a few rich people died in the submarine looking at the Titanic, and the world loses its mind and never shuts up. Why?

  • @sorenant
    1 year ago

    I’m not giving a shit, for one. That said, ignoring all the easy rage bait, boat accidents are like car accidents and happens somewhat frequently but a submarine accident is a rare ocurrance, like a plane accident.

  • @wheresyourshoe
    11 year ago

    It initially caught my interest because a submersible got lost while trying to see the Titanic. But then the more I heard about the pilot ignoring warnings and firing the guy who called him out and on and on… it just kinda became a saga of stupidity, and I am curious just how stupid it got.

    I was 100% sure they were already dead from implosion when I first heard about it, so I had no interest in the search. I just wanted to know more about the dozens of industry experts who warned him, and I’m curious how much of that info his passengers had before they got in the sub.

  • @iRyu
    11 year ago

    I was initially drawn to it because I thought it was ironic that something going to see the Titanic would have an accident. I think the general public started being more invested when there was a chance of finding the submarine.