Warning: This should go without saying, but please do not post book spoilers in this thread. However, this post will contain TV spoilers up to episode 9.

  • @[email protected]
    71 year ago

    Had no idea one of my favorite book series had been made into a TV series.

    Into the backlog you go!

  • IzzyOP
    1 year ago

    I have yet to watch the episode, but I am about to shortly and will update with my thoughts.

    Edit: Finished watching this last night, but then fell asleep before coming back to Lemmy.

    I feel like we haven’t learned a whole lot about the Silo universe as a whole since about episode 3, but we are learning bits and pieces about the characters. Bernard being the big bad of the Silo and Simms doing his bidding. The judge just being a figure head that had no power was interesting. As for episode 9 itself I can’t believe Billings burned that book. It seems like a tremendous waste after its been passed down who knows how many generations since before the Silo. I also wonder if the plot about his disease is going anywhere or was the point that bit of drama with his wife and how he won’t let it stop him from achieving anything he wants.

    I’ve had the same theory about everything since about episode 2-3 and so far nothing that has happened has proved it wrong and there is only one episode to go which is apparently titled “Outside” so we must learn something next week.

    My Theory

    So I believe despite the show constantly showing us that the outside is green and alive that it is in fact still dead and poisonous. I think there is actually conclusive evidence of this even in episode 2. When Holston goes outside he initially sees it being green and alive and says that Allison was right. At this point he can’t see anybody else dead on the ground. Up until he starts dying himself of course which is when he takes off his helmet. Then they show him finding Allison’s body and reaching for her hand. So clearly once he took off his helmet he was able to see her dead body. Thus the helmet itself must be projecting this green image of the world. If you recall the helmet was the once piece of the suit to go outside that was in a special box and likely from when the Silo was built.

    I think when the Silo was originally built everyone who moved in knew for certain that the outside was poisonous. This wasn’t in question because they had all previously lived outside. At this point in the Silo’s history they probably projected this fake green and alive image onto all the screens in order to make Silo residents feel better.

    Fast forward X number of generations where nobody alive is from before the Silo was built and nobody remembers for certain what it was like outside. They see these green images of the outside and start to question whether that is real or not. So this is probably out uprising 140 years ago with some kind of mass exodus and destabilization of the Silo. After which judicial was forced to destroy all evidence of the outside world and turn off this green image on the screens and show what it is actually like outside to prevent people from wanting to leave.

    Now our main character and friends are actually the ones causing problems and maybe another destabilization of the Silo.

    Also I’m like 90% sure this door and tunnel at the bottom of the Silo must lead to another Silo. I base this solely on the number “18” that keeps coming up and how similar it is to Fallout shelter numbers. So if 18 is their Silo number there must be at least 17 other Silos I’d imagine.

    • @ki77erb
      21 year ago

      I’m with you. I definitely think there are more than 1 silos connected by tunnels that a group or organization or government has access to. I am not convinced that everything outside the silo is fine but I’m also skeptical that it’s poisonous/dangerous. The scenes we see of everything looking green look very suspicious for sure. A theory popped in my head last night that I’m 99.9% sure is wrong but it sounded cool. The silo(s) are not on Earth. Maybe the Moon. Maybe Mars. I don’t know.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Really looking forward to some folks to discuss this with.


    Simms and his wife have their own objective? Is it just to protect their son, or is there another agenda in wanting to get Simms in control of IT?

    The water isn’t an issue in using the tunnel? If George went into the tunnel, why did he come back?

    Which of the Mayor’s bottles of old liquor are poisonous?

    Why is the green exterior video being repeated for each person who goes out?

    • IzzyOP
      41 year ago

      Some thoughts about your thoughts and observations.


      I think Simms and his wife just want to take over for Bernard so it’s possible they could kill him.

      I suspect the water isn’t an issue because it is not actually deep enough to prevent you from standing. It just scares the crap out of anyone in the Silo as nobody knows how to swim and being in this dark pit is deceptive.

      Interesting observation about the poison. It had to be Bernard that killed the old mayor.

      It must be like a recorded video from a camera. I don’t know how that would work with 3D directions, but maybe there is a bit more advanced technology at play here in the suits helmet. As we saw in episode 9 they have no concept of what a recorded video is and it kind of freaks them out.

      • @[email protected]
        11 year ago

        The 3D directions is actually already possible today. We can use Unreal Engine and accelerometers to move the camera within a virtual space.

      • @ki77erb
        1 year ago

        But didn’t she drop a flashlight or something in the water and it sank until it disappeared?

        • IzzyOP
          11 year ago

          It could have shorted out. It runs on electricity after all.

          • @ki77erb
            11 year ago

            Yeah. I don’t know. It looked like it was slowly sinking down until you couldn’t see it anymore but it was hard to tell. I might try to go back and find that scene again.

  • ❅yuki a kari
    41 year ago

    I can’t wait for the next episode. And the next season. 🕳 🏊

  • @ki77erb
    41 year ago

    This show is a slow burn but I love every minute of it. The tension, the sneaking around, the more people finding out they’re being lied to… So good.

  • @timeisart
    1 year ago

    just watched it, super hype episode.


    loved the cat and mouse chasing of Juliette and how they left the viewer in the dark for a bit as to where she is hiding, then for her to show up in Sim’s apartment was nicely done.

    so only one more episode in this season right? can’t wait to see how it turns out.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    Oh yeah, definitely excited about this one. The last episode has been killing me with its cliffhanger.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    I’m a bit eager for the finale real soon. I heard Hugh

    clue for season ending

    ___ was planning to have a season finale that would surprise both book and non book readers