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A post on Ask Lemmygrad by user Cyber Ghost titled “What are the reasons why Russia attacked Ukraine?”

Below is the comment by user @cfgaussian reading: “The Nazi Kiev regime attacked the ethnically Russian Donbass for eight years intending to commit genocide in their quest for an ethnically pure Ukraine and Russia finally came to their aid after it became clear that the Minsk agreements were never going to be honored. Also, NATO was turning Ukraine into a hyper militarized threat to the integrity and security of Russia itself. Refusal of the US and Europe to negotiate on a new inclusive security framework, refusal to stop NATO expansion eastward, and the relentless and violent anti-Russian psychosis that has gripped Ukraine since the Maiden coup that triggered a civil war in a country in which half or more of the population are essentially Russian became intolerable.”

User Summertime Soviet has replied to the comment saying "It’s a shame we can’t pin comments on posts, because this one would get a pin from me.

so instead, have this Farmer_Heck seal of approval"

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  • @Zstom6IP
    01 year ago

    Please reupload with the username censored.

  • Flying Squid
    2391 year ago

    “They had to invade! Ukraine forced them to!”

    Great argument.

    • @[email protected]
      1451 year ago

      Isn’t this the literal reason the Nazis, as in, the actual Nazis, gave to justify their invasion of Alsace and Lorainne? That their friendly ethnicities were being discriminated there, and that they had to invade to save them?

        • @[email protected]
          201 year ago

          And same with Poland. The nazis dressed up some convicts in German border guard uniforms, then killed them, took photographs of their corpses and used as one of their excuses to attack (they also blamed Poland for murdering German ethnicities in Poland of course).

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Do not compare any glorious people’s republic to Nazi Germany otherwise you get called a Holocaust denier.

        One of the Hexbears spazzed out at me when I said the NKVD, like the Gestapo, did horrific things. I was genuinely confused…

        • @[email protected]
          121 year ago

          Oh God you said it. If the name that shall not be named is repeated twice more, thou shalt summon thy horde!

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          Yeah noticed that one of the spazzers who has too much time on their hands has been running around throwing a link about Holocaust denial around like they found us breaking a class rule and are going to tell a teacher.

          They really just want an authority in control to tell them what to do and will side with the bullies since they think that will make the pain stop. Cowards. I get it but they are cowards.

          • @[email protected]
            31 year ago

            Exactly. They are mad about the world but won’t do anything about it other than wait for the revolution to come like it’s the second coming of Christ. They are mad about the status quo and want to make others pay for it, even potential allies who agree in a lot of aspects.

        • Draconic NEO
          1 year ago

          Don’t worry this is a community, that means that most hexbear users won’t even see this post due to it not being available in their instance.

          Maybe some of them will create alts on other instances to see and reply to this content, but the ones who spam like they do on hexbear are very likely to get banned quickly for doing this from other instances.

      • idunnololz
        51 year ago

        You don’t understand. Nazi’s had to invade other countries because they were becoming infested with Nazis. Nazis were the problem and the solution! /s

      • @[email protected]
        51 year ago

        Alsace and Lorainne

        Don’t think it was the reason there, since France and the UK declared war on Germany after they invaded Poland, so they didn’t need a reason. However the Nazis used this line of argument against pretty much every neighbouring country. Especially with Poland which had a huge German population on the territory annexed after the first world war, and against Czechoslovakia it was indeed the cited casus belli.

    • @MindSkipperBro12
      531 year ago

      “How could you blame him? Look at how she’s dressed!”

    • @Dicska
      511 year ago

      Does that mean that seeing satellite images of Russia grouping forces along the border would give a perfectly acceptable reason for Ukraine to invade Russia, because Russia turned the border into a hyper militarized threat? Using their own logic on them.

  • blazera
    1421 year ago

    Sounds like the China fans with Taiwan. ‘They actually want to be part of the PRC they just dont know it yet’

    ‘Those ukrainians are basically already Russian so its fine’

    • @[email protected]
      1051 year ago

      This is a screenshot from lemmygrad. Those people are the China fans you’re referring to, it’s all the same group of people.

      • @[email protected]
        611 year ago

        Had a, uh, discussion with lemmygrad where apparently wanting high speed rail without secret police and genocide is a controversial take. It was a post kind of half celebrating the atrocities of communist regimes. Only for lemmygrad users to turn around and tell me that those things never happened, but they were totally justified and ought to happen again, but communists don’t do that kind of thing and it’s all made up propaganda, unless you’re a capitalist or a liberal or [someone else who deserves it]. There were a few interesting and intelligent lines of thought in that whipping circle I found myself a part of, and I was glad for those, but generally the ideological spin was going so fast, you just about had to slap a tail rotor on it.

        • @[email protected]
          121 year ago

          State socialists have some reasonable explanations for the authoritarian aspects of the USSR and sometimes China but they’re so easily provoked (online) it’s hard to find them in the flood of reactionary dumbassery going on around it. Don’t take this as a defense of state socialism. It’s not. But their logic has some merit if you believe a state is a necessary institution in a socialist/communist society

        • @[email protected]
          1 year ago

          You’d think it would give a person pause when in the course of defending their political beliefs, they manage to post a single comment that contains four or five lines, almost verbatim, from the Narcissist’s Prayer.

          But it never seems to.

    • chaogomu
      641 year ago

      No no, they’re ethnically Russian. Just don’t ask why they’re ethnically Russian.

      A hint or two.

      There might be a few more reasons why Ukraine really wanted to join a defense alliance against Russia…

      • Echo Dot
        91 year ago

        I know amount of explaining that NATO is a defence alliance seems to to work.

        NATO exists because of Russian aggression. If they stopped trying to attack every country touching there borders it would be fine and NATO wouldn’t need to exist.

        • @[email protected]
          71 year ago

          I mean there’s a case to be made that NATO expansionism is bad and does have a destabilizing effect and that trying to isolate the region for what may be mostly historical reasons isn’t really helping in the grand scheme of things.

          Then Russia goes and threatens to invade Finland or something and it’s like “oh yeah, that’s why”.

          • @Mirshe
            61 year ago

            I just loved all the people who were going “Russia respects borders and doesn’t invade other countries” when they had tried literally the exact same thunder run strategy with Georgia not that long before Ukraine.

  • @samus12345
    1031 year ago

    This is a great answer if the question were “What are the false reasons Russia gave for attacking Ukraine?”

  • @AnyProgressIsGood
    911 year ago

    Lol the Jewish president elected by Nazis. Nazi party literally never broke like 6% of the vote in ukraine.

    • @kerrypacker
      71 year ago

      That still seems like a lot of Nazis.

      • @[email protected]
        351 year ago

        Not to discount it as a problem… but a lot of Eastern Europe has this issue. Hell, not even just Eastern Europe. Fascist parties exist in most places, Ukraine does not really stand out in this aspect.

        • @uis
          161 year ago

          Example of fascist party: United Russia

      • @rambaroo
        81 year ago

        It is. But there’s even more white supremacists in Russia, including many prominent government officials.

      • SeaJ
        61 year ago

        It is and something that needs to be dealt with. But the issue is much worse in surrounding countries like Russia. Hell, one of the puppets Russia installed in DPR was a Nazi.

    • Echo Dot
      391 year ago

      No of course not because not a single one of them has a clue what they’re talking about, and has never studied history or politics.

      To them everything is black and white. You are either an insane tanky or you’re an evil Nazi, and there’s no other option. There’s definitely no normal people, since they see themselves as the normal people.

      • @[email protected]
        291 year ago

        I think most of it is chronically online 17 year olds that have had their brains so borked by the american two party system and political climate being so volitile. They’ve grown up in a world where its us vs them, im always right you’re always wrong, I can do no wrong and you can do no good, etc. So when they learn that the USA kinda (really) sucks, it fucks with their head and they start thinking “the other side” is right.

        Yes, the USA government is grossly corrupt by corporate money and the media is compliant, has taken part in imperialist conquest, and has lied about its own history. But that does not make Russia/China ANY BETTER.

        I would rather live in the USA than Russia/China in a heartbeat, even with USA’s problems (there are a lot) because at least I can say “Fuck the usa, death to America” without being erased from the timeline by secret police.

        • Echo Dot
          51 year ago

          It would be interesting to conduct a poll to find out where they’re all from. I suspect there aren’t for example a lot of German or French Tankies because that would require an impressive amount of self-delusion on their part.

          • Draconic NEO
            1 year ago

            Never underestimate the amount that people can delude themselves, after all there were covid deniers who saw people around them dying from covid and still denied it to the end.

        • @[email protected]
          41 year ago

          The ability to exist between concepts and except the gray reality of the world seems to be a specialized skill on the Internet that mostly has you hated by both sides…

          It’s fucking awful how sided people are on topics that they don’t even understand because they are massive complex worldly issues. Like most of things are but we really do suck at complex thought as a species.

  • @WiildFiire
    701 year ago

    Your mistake was looking at anything related to lemmygrad

  • @FellowEarthling
    461 year ago

    More ethnic russians in Germany than in Ukraine, this is clearly an overreach by NATO

    • Weirdmusic
      81 year ago

      You forgot the /s (although it’s obvious it’s sarcasm)

  • @FireTower
    391 year ago

    OG OP actually asked a good question. Aside from regional cultural claims and geopolitical military perks Ukraine also holds massive significance for its ports, grain production, and the oil pipeline that crosses from Russia to Western Europe.

    Not condoning Russia’s actions, from it, but if they had managed to get away with it they’d be in a vastly better position on the world’s stage.

    • @[email protected]OP
      1 year ago

      Yeah it’s a good question, but asking it in lemmygrad it’s like asking the meaning of life from a dog. At best you get unintelligible barking.

    • CMLVI
      311 year ago

      That’s what I don’t get. All these tankie morons are hiding behind the flimsiest of “Nazi persecution” lies. Ukraine is just flat out amazing for Russia strategically, it’s very clear what they wanted. Not to mention some fat ore reserves they have parked in the ground for burgeoning industries.

      But no, it has to be Nazis and Western agendas while they bomb schools and residential neighborhoods with these extremely accurate bombs they possess but choose not to use…

      • @seejur
        221 year ago

        Because propaganda dictates that you need to the moral high ground in war. Else its very difficult to sell to your soldiers the idea of dying in foreign land.

        And that propaganda seems to be awfully effective, judging from lemmygrand and hexbear comments (even though I am pretty sure some of those users do not really believe it, but are paid to write those comments)

        • @jarfil
          1 year ago

          Some of the users are probably like greentext flatearthers, simple unpaid trolls trying to see who can come up with the biggest bullshit… they just happen to be useful fools for the propaganda machine.

        • Dämnyz
          41 year ago

          I don’t get why bots have to be part of the argument. People being stupid or having a backwards political agenda is a valid and sufficient explanation when talking about the right. We tend to forget that Lemmy is more like the backrooms of the internet than a politically relevant platform and dedicating bots or paid trolls for such a small community seems a little exaggerated to me. Fringe parts of the internet are far easier to sway with a small group of obnoxious people than, say, Reddit.

      • @FireTower
        101 year ago

        I can understand Russia not being excited about the prospects of a NATO ally being on their border, but their own actions drive Ukraine towards NATO.

        Also the whole Nazi thing is pretty stupid. It’s not like Ukraine holds a patent on neo nazis. Most Western countries have them even countries like Germany that have outlawed them, and Russia does too.

        • @[email protected]
          51 year ago

          Russia already has what, four or five NATO members states on their doorstep: The Balkan states, now Finland, Turkey is pretty close and controls the Bosporus… and Poland borders Belarus which is a client state of Russia now.

          • @FireTower
            51 year ago

            Yeah Russian has taken some major Ls in that department recently. Russia’s strategy historical was to have buffer states so they had room to fall back before their enemies reach anything they cared about. Now with Finland NATO could line tanks up to roll into Saint Petersburg if a war ever broke out.

    • @Philolurker
      1 year ago

      Also worth mentioning, in addition to those things, the relatively recently discovered oil and gas deposits in Ukraine, much of which is off the coast. Before the first invasion (where they took Crimea), Ukraine was getting ready to tap into that and compete with Russia for western energy money.

      • I Cast Fist
        21 year ago

        recently discovered oil and gas deposits in Ukraine

        Oh, that alone explains a LOT. As usual, a proxy war between larger players’ interests.

    • @Cheez
      11 months ago

      deleted by creator

    • @elscallr
      81 year ago

      Archer gif “Idiots, doing idiot things, because they’re idiots”

  • @Siegfried
    261 year ago

    There is no way this isn’t sarcasm

  • @[email protected]
    261 year ago

    Blah blah blah…

    What being an agent for the Russian state on social media does to your brain.


  • DarkThoughts
    251 year ago

    Funny considering that our former Wagner chef himself said that the whole 2014 pretext was bullshit. Also funny because one of the groups that Russia used since 2014 in that region is Rusich, a very obvious neonazi group. So Ukraine was fighting Nazis all along.