• @[email protected]
    1391 year ago
    1. Somewhere else 🤭
    2. Somewhere else 🤭
    3. Somewhere else 🤭
    4. Somewhere else 🤭
    5. Inconvenient, I should buy air conditioning 😒
    6. Affects me directly and notably 😡
    • @[email protected]
      -101 year ago

      Which should have been the expected response. Extremism can only ever create more extremism on the other end of the spectrum.

      The only thing those street gluers achieve is the exact opposite of their goal.

      • @[email protected]
        91 year ago

        Murdering the civilization by knowingly and willingly create conditions for climate change: normal behaviour, good, commendable.
        Public non-violent protests against that: extremism, bad, scary.

  • Dojan
    371 year ago

    Eh, it honestly depends on what the climate protestors are doing. If they’re chaining themselves to people’s cars, painting aeroplanes with toxic paint (so the company has to use toxic chemicals to remove it), or glue themselves to the autobahn, then they’re honestly just making a mockery out of climate activism.

    Moira who can’t get to work because some cunt chained themselves to her wheel isn’t going to become an ally when she gets scolded by her shitty boss for being late due to something she can’t control. She needs to pay her landlords mortgage and put food on the table for her kids. Her old car might not be the most environmentally friendly but it might be the only option she has.

    Picket parliament. Organise big costly strikes. Build gillotines and kidnap the CEOs and investors of big oil. Or you know, do something productive, like show the impact a small pond and some wildflowers can make in a green desert, or maybe work to restore wetlands.

    Most people do care, but don’t have the time or capacity to do shit about it. If you have the time and energy to fuck over Duncan on his way to his shitty second job so he can pay for his mortgage and his student loans, you have time to fuck over the people that have the power to help you actually make a change.

    • @[email protected]
      151 year ago

      The street gluers must be paid crisis actors (just like the GOP projects) to make climate activism seem like a bunch of crazy people.

      • Dojan
        171 year ago

        This low-key what I believe honestly.

      • @marcos
        61 year ago

        I’ve spent enough time around wannabe revolutionaries to think most of those people are honest and really believe impeding some poor people from going to work will help make the masses adopt their cause.

        It does help their belief system that they and most of the people around them were convinced by some asshole doing something similar.

        • @[email protected]
          51 year ago

          They’re are always some true believers. Flat Earth used to be trolls until the OGs got bored and moved on leaving only the believers behind.

          The best astroturf is the one that starts growing on its own.

      • UnfortunateShort
        11 year ago

        As far as the ones in Germany go, largely they don’t seem to be. They are really that stupid. Even when they try to target the right people they fuck it up. It is fun to watch however. Some hilarious stories and little to no success have come out of it.

    • iByteABit [he/him]
      71 year ago

      Eh, lynching the big suits in the oil industry is fine by me.

      Make them scared to leave their homes if they want to sacrifice everything for their own profits.

      The way things are going, there will come a day when we regret we didn’t become violent against them while there was still time to stop climate change.

    • Dr. Coomer
      31 year ago

      I’m sorry, how are they getting their hands on toxic paint? Are are they making it themselves? If it’s the later then they have really just undone the entire of their “point”.

  • @lanolinoil
    241 year ago

    Yeah but I can’t direct my hate at an individual as easy when it’s hot outside


  • @Rooty
    1 year ago

    Greenies:Stop oil now!

    Also greenies: *obstructs nuclear power for 60+ years. *

    Please stop pretending we can run society on wind and solar.

    • @marcos
      171 year ago

      We can run society on wind and solar, and it’s looking more and more of a certainty that the price of the alternatives will bankrupt all of them.

    • @MotoAsh
      131 year ago

      You can. With nuclear as the baseline. Infinitely (not literally) more clean than fossil fuels and way, WAY more safe even including Chornobyl in the stats.

      • Fazoo
        91 year ago

        No, you literally can’t. Energy demands are only going to increase. The energy output for the land required, for a nuclear plant, is far better overall compared to the area required for wind and solar to match it.

        • vrojak
          121 year ago

          The area required for enough wind and solar is still small enough to not be an issue. That nuclear needs less space per amount of energy produced does not matter

          • Fazoo
            81 year ago

            Any space saved is space for untouched environment, which is more beneficial to the planet. You’re using Chinese logic, which lead to mountains blanketed with solar panels. There will be consequences for such decisions down the road.

            • vrojak
              101 year ago

              The space saved is so miniscule compared to theobvious benefits (way cheaper, quicker and easier construction than nuclear, no problem with long term storage of waste products) that it is an absolute no brainer. Also, it’s not like windparks are on fields of asphalt.

              • Fazoo
                21 year ago

                Absolutely not. 100+ acres vs 3,000+ acres is anything but miniscule. I suggest you do a little research on the discussion you’re attempting to take part in.

                • @[email protected]
                  31 year ago

                  See, you’re talking like 3000+ acres is a lot on the global scale, and it just isn’t. You could literally cover a few fields that grow better in indirect light, produce more from your crops, and supply the global requirements for electricity. Seriously, just 5 square miles is over 3000 acres.

                  The only good argument against solar or wind is matching load against production, and that one is becoming less relevant all the time.

        • Sonotsugipaa
          -41 year ago

          Nuclear power is good and all, but there’s only so much Uranium on this planet to satisfy the energy demand of ~8000000000 people…

  • don
    161 year ago

    If sticking heads in sand was an Olympic sport, climate change deniers would consistently take home 100 kg antimatter trophies.

  • @twelvefloatinghands
    1 year ago

    Isn’t the direct and immediate personal inconvenience the point? But, like, target the people who have decision-making power.

    • @marcos
      71 year ago

      Just try to actually target the people with decision-making power to see what happens.

      Those “we must have an impact!” protest never do that.

  • @[email protected]
    -61 year ago

    They’ve done actual studies that show these protests are counter productive, blindly supporting anything just because they claim to support your cause is incredibly dumb.

    In this world there are a huge amount of people who really, really, really like attention and will insert themselves into anything to try and get it, they’ll use any excuse to ‘boost their profile’ especially if they can pretend to be some form of hero along the way.

    The idiot who got shot in the capitol and the idiot who threw soup on the painting are the same unthinking attention seeking type of idiot, the right pretend they’re breaking into the capitol to save children, the left try to ruin people’s day in the name of climate change - then on their respective sides a whole host of idiots cheer and say ‘I’m supporting these brave activists so I’m not part of the problem, I can continue to live my life exactly as I chose - safe in the knowledge that cheering on these idiots is enough’

  • Nowhereman
    -141 year ago

    If you believe there is anything you can do about this. Then you are naive. There are almost eight billion of us. We have an immense industry. People not worrying about things like that is normal. Because they are to busy feeding there children. Trying to live a little. Also why do people think that you can stop climate change. The dice has been rolled. Alea iacta est.

    • BNE
      161 year ago

      Stop with the black pill nonsense. There’s plenty we can do. Get active, get amongst it, break unjust laws.

      Lay down and rot somewhere else.

        • BNE
          21 year ago

          Dude. The world is being killed and the people killing it have names and addresses. This is not a untouchable force of nature causing our homes to flood and burn while the ecosystems that allow us to farm collapse.

          You have agency. Get angry, channel it and get active.

            • BNE
              21 year ago

              Yes but also wise up - we’re not the same as Exxon Mobil or Rio Tinto. We individually need to make our changes, absolutely - but they won’t unless we force them to do so and they dwarf us in output to an inhuman degree.

              Simply - we need to stop their machines in a very literal sense. They’ve already shown that dialogue and scientific reasoning is an utterly useless vehicle for change in the face of their organisations - so we need to start speaking in languages they understand. Remove their ability to function. Direct action is the answer to the question.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      It has become fashionable for some to take a defeatist condescending stance like this when it comes to issues that affect everyone. If you think it makes you look smart, it doesn’t. These are pressing issues and people have to take action. If you don’t want to, go ahead and disappear. But don’t talk down to those who are and those who are calling for it.

      • Nowhereman
        01 year ago

        It’s my opinion. Has nothing to do with talking down. I genuinly don’t believe there is anything we can do.

  • @Jerb322
    -251 year ago

    Protest at the big corporations, cool, I might show up.

    Protest in the middle of the fucking road, and you might get hit…

      • BruceTwarzen
        281 year ago

        I can’t be ladt to my 12 hour shift on my second job or i’ll lose my home tomorrow.

      • @Jerb322
        41 year ago

        Yup that’s the only reason

    • @GracchiBros
      1 year ago

      We get it, you care as long as your selfish ass isn’t inconvenienced. I so love a society that pretends to care oh so much about democracy and the average person supposedly being able to change things and then being so angry about then being the target of protests when they don’t take the actions to change things.

      • Dojan
        41 year ago

        You think they don’t know, or don’t care? They can’t do shit about it because individual people aren’t the root of the problem. “Inconveniencing” someone by potentially costing them their livelihood and home isn’t going to win you any support.

        • BNE
          -11 year ago

          Their centrist pearl clutching hasn’t done anything so far so why make yourself smaller to appease someone who won’t help anyway? Sorry - get real about the stakes or get aside.

          • Dojan
            31 year ago

            Yeah so go lop some politicians and CEOs heads off and put them on stakes outside of parliament and such. Those are the people with the power to enact change, and they’re all too happy to see you fuck with people who can do fuck all instead of them.

            • BNE
              11 year ago

              I’m more in the blockade a port/unmake a pipeline/put sand in the oil tanks kind of a mindset but go off

      • @Jerb322
        21 year ago

        How does making me and possibly hundreds or thousands of other people late for whatever the fuck we are doing going to make us join in? And what about all of the videos from your side of the pond of people getting just as mad when fucks like you sit in the middle of the road? Just Americans on vacation I guess… All the shit going wrong with the world and it’s “the Americans” that don’t get it. Fuck you and your high horse!

    • @riodoro1
      151 year ago

      Protest in the middle of the fucking road, and you might get hit…

      This guy has so many edges he became a sphere.

    • @[email protected]
      101 year ago

      “inconvenience me and I might murder you with my car” I hope you’re getting a lot of money from the oil tycoons in exchange for being one of their brownshirts

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      You’re asking them to protest at places where you evidently haven’t noticed the protests all these years, because you haven’t shown up. You’re not going to show up. I don’t think even you believe you’re going to show up.

      But you do seem to notice the protests you can’t ignore. There’s only one way you can make those stop.