With Chrome’s new privacy concerns, I really want to stop using it. However I love the Chrome developer tools and overall experience better than Firefox. I just want to de-google it.

There are options! I’ve just started using @vivaldi_browser and so far I **really** like it!

Try it out here: https://vivaldi.com/

    • ChrisOP
      1 year ago

      @bela What? I posted this on my own Mastodon profile? I did not post it in any kind of community. Perhaps I @-mentioned the wrong account and it got posted to Lemmy

  • @AndreaHill
    41 year ago

    Are Chrome’s dev tools really that much better than Firefox’s?

    • ChrisOP
      11 year ago

      @AndreaHill Not really I suppose, but I’m just more used to them. I just like the way they work. I used Firefox for a bit when figuring out which browser to switch to and I did like what I found in there, but it did require a few things to get used to just because it’s different mostly

  • @FMT99
    11 year ago

    Why not just use Chromium at that point? I mean to each their own but if you want to break ties with Google there’s really only one option.

    Besides the dev tools between Chrome and FF are very very similar. Can’t take much more than a week to get used to it.