Rising numbers of wild pigs and macaque monkeys in Southeast Asia pose risks to native forests and could lead to disease spread among livestock and humans, reveals a study led by The University of Queensland. Dr. Matthew Luskin, affiliated with UQ’s School of the Environment, alongside his team,
@readbeanicecream At first I was pretty terrified of the “exploding monkeys”.
Then I read the next line.
@idoubtit Gotta love those titles!
That headline made me thing there was a disease causing monkeys and pigs to explode for a moment
No mention of super pigs. In NA, super pigs are becoming much more of an issue. These super pigs don’t wear capes. By the time they recognize this they’ll be Uber pigs. Then Super Uber pigs. They’ve already migrated into political office as Snowball 2024.
@readbeanicecream exploding human population a threat to all the mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, oceans, glaciers, crops, forests, and atmosphere on the planet. also to ourselves.