The “Shea” mentioned here is the most foul Christofascist the PNW has to offer. The Spokane mayor, Woodward, is in tight with him (and Republican C. McMorris-Rodgers, and of course Trump) though being a little more discreet these days after catching general hell for attending one of his wingnut moneymaking events.

Ginny Applington’s testimony Monday night would have felt at home spoken in front of any number of evangelical congregations. “In the body of Christ,” she said, “we pray for all of our leaders. We pray for all of humanity. We pray against biblical sin and repent for our own.”

But Applington wasn’t at church. She was speaking in front of the Spokane City Council, and quickly into her 2-minute turn during open comments, those comments grew ominous.

“Darkness is about to fall,” said Applington. “God is taking back Spokane and He is taking back all the nations. … God is raising up the church, and the gates of Hell will not prevail against Him.”

Applington was one of at least eight people who spoke during the council’s open comment period to protest a proposed resolution to censure Mayor Nadine Woodward for her appearance at a Christian nationalist concert, where she accepted a prayer from the fiery local pastor Matt Shea.

Not everyone who spoke Monday night identified as a Christian, but those who opposed the censure resolution echoed similar sentiments, believing the proposed censure – which the council has discussed in committee but has not voted on – wasn’t just about Woodward. It was a step down a slippery slope toward the widespread persecution of the Christian faithful.

“If the city council wants to stop her from doing that, do they want to silence all Christians?” Rebecca Murakami told RANGE just before the meeting. “What is the plan behind that? One thing leads to the next.” Murakami is a member of On Fire Ministries, the church far-right former legislator Matt Shea, who prayed for Woodward at the concert, founded in 2021. Applington is as well.

  • @Dressedlikeapenguin
    1 year ago

    In October 2018, Shea acknowledged that he had distributed a four-page manifesto which called for the killing of non-Christian males if a war were to occur and they do not agree to follow fundamentalist biblical law.

    Well, we know their plans. Every accusation is ALWAYS projection with the christo-facists.

    • Em Adespoton
      91 year ago

      Disturbing to me is “the gates of Hell will not prevail….”

      Is she planning to break in, or break out?

      Misunderstanding basic biblical theology is not a good starting place for a fundamentalist.

        • @Dressedlikeapenguin
          61 year ago

          Their public prayers are built like madlibs. A collection of loosely connected catchphrases. Reminds me of the kind of person their Jesus warned us about in Matthew 6:5. This link also has it in the “original Greek” for those apologist that insist we missed the point, and that if we just look at the passage in Greek we’d see the the real meaning.

  • Treczoks
    31 year ago

    Next time, just interfere with: “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s”, and tell them to keep preaching in the church.