• @demonquark
    251 year ago

    Does this work? It’s the most inane stereotypical corporate speak video I’ve ever seen.

    The video is basically asking me to spy on my coworkers, so management can shut down the slightest hint of anything that isn’t slavish adherence to corporate demands.

    The whole thing feels icky with a heavy layer of obviously fake corporate caring. Ewww.

    • @captainlezbian
      121 year ago

      I don’t think it works like that. I think the goal is to make you afraid your coworkers are spying on you not to make you be a spy

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        I disagree. A large portion of minimum wage workers are conservative. Look at the average income vs political leaning charts, or level of education vs political leaning. You’re looking at a large proportion of min wage workers that see unions as an additional “tax” or “government type social agency”.

        It’s really hard to convince someone that they will benefit from unions because they believe in a social hierarchy. Even though they’re minimum wage workers, they believe that they’re in the MIDDLE AREA of the social hierarchy. People below them include everything from criminals, foreigners, LGBT, illegal immigrants, single mothers, racial minorities, homeless people, poor people (welfare, destitute, etc …). It depends on who they personally think is “below” them.

        Conservative media has convinced these people that social programs and unions TAX THEM to benefit those LOWER THAN THEM in the hierarchy. For them to believe they would benefit from unions or government social programs, you would have to convince them they’re in the class of people who would benefit. That means you’d have to convince them they’re closer to the BOTTOM of the social hierarchy than they feel they are. It’s telling them they’re among the “takers” and not the “workers/producers”. You basically acting against their self-esteem and notion of self-worth because it’s based on the notion they’re better than others and that socialism takes from the middle/top and only gives to the bottom, if they recieve, they must be on the bottom. This is the source of the cognitive dissonance that drives low income workers to vote AGAINST their interests

        So I really think a decent portion of Amazon workers agree with this video and are concerned about unions and are going to report union activities to management.

    • @LilDestructiveSheep
      91 year ago

      Looks like a video for managers. Managers usually get “brainwashed” in big companies. So it probably will work.

  • @snekerpimp
    211 year ago

    “We believe it’s better for our shareholders if we ignore your needs individually instead of a group”

  • ???
    171 year ago

    “We do not believe that unions are in the best interest of blah blah BLAH”

  • spez
    141 year ago

    After watching the video, I just hope Jeffery and the shareholders who defend this shit die the most painful and vile fucking deaths.

    • @FrankTheHealer
      31 year ago

      Just FYI, Jeff Bezos is no longer the CEO of Amazon. That would be Andy Jassy. Bezos stepped down some time ago but is still a shareholder

    • @MotoAsh
      11 year ago

      They won’t unless they are made to. They are too rich for normal consequences to find.

  • @[email protected]
    81 year ago

    I used to work for Circuit City back in the day. A few people mentioned unions and the company immediately deployed a union busting strike force to our store. As a high school student, I just thought it was funny at the time and used it to my advantage. They made a group of us watch an anti-union video similar to this and then asked us if we had any questions. I raised my hand and said, “I’ve been trying to get a referral bonus for getting my friend hired for the last few months but still haven’t gotten paid out, would a union help me here?”

    They were like “oh no, a union wouldn’t help, they’d just take a piece of your bonus. We’ll get that fixed right away.” And sure enough, I got the bonus on my next check.

  • @FrankTheHealer
    11 year ago

    What the actual fuck. This genuinely looks like something out of a Black Mirror episode