I usually love bad humour. But these Very Short Treks are just terrible.
I do like the TAS animation style though. And that the actual actors are voicing the characters is great too. Everything else … not so much. Bummer. 🙁
This one is very dumb (and I expect the others will be as well), but it worked a lot better for me than the first one.
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It’s from the second episode of Season 1 but Saru is wearing his uniform from Season 4 of Discovery.
I’m pretty sure it’s a nod to TAS and other cartoons of the era having inexplicable errors when it comes to character models and animation.
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That seems like such an insanely weird decision to make.
It could have also been a mistake. The “Ephraim and Dot” Short Trek made a similar continuity booboo when they gave the TOS-era Enterprise the “NCC 1701-A” naval construction code.
So far I’m pretty disappointed with these ‘very short treks’. I really enjoyed Short Treks and was hoping these would be as good.
I mean yes, it’s dumb, but I didn’t really go into these expecting they’d be particularly clever or ground-breaking. This one was silly and I had fun, I look forward to the rest of them.
This episode reminded me of what Mel Brooks purportedly said: “Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open manhole and die.”
Also, Spork was one of the Vulcan proper names submitted by Bob Justman to Gene Roddenberry during the show’s production: https://news.lettersofnote.com/p/star-trek-planet-vulcan-proper-names
These are just horrible. Attempts at dry humor without being smart. I feel embarrassed for the writers.
I know it is low budget but does the humour have to be so Family Guy?
That is an insult to Family Guy and to The Orville.
That was just plain terrible. The first one was offensive, and this one was lame. The next I expect to be both.
I think this one is better than the last one, but that’s a very low bar to clear. The animation is done well in TAS style. This episode is like a Saturday Night Live skit that falls flat. Not innovative, just tepid. I’ve now learned to temper my expectations for the rest of the Very Short Treks.
These make Picard look like a masterpiece
Well, that’s oh for two. I don’t think this instalment was quite as rough as the first, but it also didn’t have Pete Holmes, so it gets points for that alone.
For whatever reason I assumed each of the VSTs would be done by different studios, but this is the same team that worked on the first. I don’t have high hopes for the rest.
I understood that the EP/Showrunner is the same for all, and the writer of the first one. So, he set the tone. Sigh.
A am still hopeful for ‘Holograms all the way down’ as it has Aaron Waltke as the writer credited.