While the supper finishes cooking.

1 oz limoncello

1oz Aperol

2 oz vodka

1 oz lemon

Trying to design something with Aperol and limoncello so just trying a simple mix first. Still a little too sweet even with so much lemon, and could use a little more bitter, but I will figure it out. Not tonight, this is definitely a one and done.

  • @sirfancy
    11 year ago

    Sounds tasty! Perhaps you could sub the Aperol for Campari and it may be a little less sweet?

    • @RBWellsOPM
      21 year ago

      May try that next, but something about Aperol & Limoncello makes sense to me. Maybe a spoonful of the Campari, or just expressed lemon peel, will play around with it soon. Kind of want it for the house drink for Thanksgiving so may try to make a lower octane version too.

      • @sirfancy
        11 year ago

        Makes sense! Good luck :D

        • @RBWellsOPM
          11 year ago

          Well, I tried it with a splash of Campari and all that happened was it ended up tasting just like grapefruit juice! I am abandoning the Aperol/Limoncello idea. They are too sweet together and adding sour & bitter just recreates what one could get with fresh grapefruit juice.

          • @sirfancy
            11 year ago

            Ahh damn. I suppose that makes sense. I get that effect with Enzonis, they end up tasting exactly like grapefruit juice. Tasty though!

            A for effort with your attempts, was worth a shot 🙂

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Maybe cut the limoncello and aperol down to 0.5 each to balance with the lemon? Also seems like it could be good with gin instead of vodka.

    Or could even do an equal parts drink like corpse reviver #2 or paper plane. Or maybe making it long with soda could cut the sweetness too.

    Sounds like a great starting point though!