edit: Guys, I now yt-dlp is the way to go, but is there a gui front end for yt-dlp with all the options that I get on cli? Or else, just advice me on how to use the yt-dlp cli

I need the best audio-quality and I want it to be webm and want it to be downloaded with transcripts too, so what should I do?

I tried this snap video-downloader and it was able to download a webm file and it’s amazing. I love it. But, I am not sure if it’s the best quality I can get. I was wondering what Linux native software you used to download Youtube audio in it’s best quality.

btw, when I downloaded the .webm file, I got it along with the transcribed text and it plays in the place where video subs play and it’s quite nice.

Something else


Removes all sponsors and downloads the best audio into Videos/yt-dlp

cd Videos/yt-dlp &* youtube-dlp yt-dlp -x --audio-quality=0 --sponsorblock-mark all --sponsorblock-remove all [YOUTUBE-URL] && cd ~

sudo snap video-downloader

Video-downloader snap downloads the package Video-Downloader and this can be opened through terminal (you can create a .desktop file through menulibre for this) And all videos with varying degree of quality can be downloaded here. But, this doesn’t include sponsorblocks so idk, use yt-dlp here too, but I don’t download videos so I don’t really care for this.

  • rem26_art
    279 months ago

    Another vote for yt-dlp

    It works with ffmpeg and you can choose the quality you want to download from Youtube. Also its nice if you want to record a livestream as its being broadcast. Its also not limited to just Youtube either, it seems to work on lots of sites.

  • Nemo Wuming
    259 months ago

    Compare with yt-dlp from GitHub. It works from the command line and you can control the quality level you want.

    • Ganesh VenugopalOP
      29 months ago

      thank you I will give it a go

      edit: I need a gui which has all the features of the yt-dlp cli but is easier to understand, does this give you any ideas?

      • Nemo Wuming
        19 months ago

        Now that you mention it, I wish I had the same!

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    I suggest Parabolic, it’s very feature rich, but I don’t think you’ll ever find a frontend with all options, as the devs need to catch up, design and also consider which are important and leave others out, so they don’t bloat the interface making it impossible to parse. At most you’ll get an option to create shortcuts for custom commands (YTDLnis does this on Android).

    Anyway, regardless of the application, I think you’d get the same quality, both should try to get the best available by default

    I also made a small list some time ago https://codeberg.org/quazar-omega/awesome-yt-dlp if you want to help add more apps.

  • Dr Jekell
    49 months ago

    I use yt-dlg as a GUI for yt-dl.

    I find it works pretty well.

  • @[email protected]
    49 months ago

    I use YouTube links which gives you direct links to the media. It’s a userscript so you’ll need the ability to run those. Also it doesn’t seem to play nicely with premium, but that’s easily worked around by letting it run in incognito tabs. Even with the quirks it’s way better than any middleman download site.

    I also have yt-dlp which is also awesome, but works differently. I do use both depending on what I’m trying to accomplish… for a single audio or video file YouTube Links is more convenient, for anything more than that yt-dlp is the way to go.

  • Dotdev
    39 months ago

    Well there is clipgrab if you want a GUI downloader.

    • Ganesh VenugopalOP
      09 months ago

      thank you but imma stick with yt-dlp for a while now, I am looking for a gui with it in the backend now

  • @[email protected]
    29 months ago

    I just used chat gpt to teach me the basics of yt-dlp. Worked great! Can do it with other programs too

  • @[email protected]
    19 months ago

    140 is always the best quality, except when it has a number tacked on for randomly ordered alternate languages.

  • PorkSoda
    -69 months ago

    youtube-dl is pretty much the gold standard for all things YouTube downloading.