• stopthatgirl7
    810 months ago

    I wonder how many people screaming it will take for politicians to be able to hear them over the sound the campaign money they’re getting from fossil fuel companies and lobbyists.

    • @ViewSonik
      310 months ago

      Only a few when it is the right people screaming.

    • @[email protected]
      10 months ago

      I genuinely believe that instead of doing marches, they should all just pool money they would’ve spent doing this march, and then just send that money to the politician’s fundraiser and hire lobbyists. All these marches are super inefficient use of your money.

      If you look at the company lobbying budgets, it’s honestly not even that much money. It’s way smaller than most people think. It’s often in like 10s of thousands to 100s of thousands for large ones. Very few exceptional ones reach tens of millions. These people in the march probably spent like 100 dollars to drive out there (and spend gas…), buy lunch, print signs, etc. Almost any notable marches are like 10K people. Huge ones have literally millions of people. If they just pooled 100 dollars from each of them, they’d single handedly create the biggest and largest lobbying force ever created by ridiculous margins. Just imagine how much policies that much money could move. Yet we don’t do that. We just scream at them and hope they listen. Then realize the march did jack shit, and we repeat hoping they might listen the next time. And repeat…

      • @[email protected]
        510 months ago

        A little less than the last big one I went to, but not bad. Several thousand people for sure. Critical mass during the walk. The large majority of people bail during the end speeches.

  • @[email protected]
    310 months ago

    Some reporter should ask these politicians:

    Do your billionaire friends have room for you in their bunker? What about your wife and kids? Do they have room in that bunker?

  • @GlitzyArmrest
    110 months ago

    I’m sure the oil companies will take note.