Credit to reddit user disclosurediaries for creating this list. This user also has created a great website, Disclosure Diaries, listed on our sidebar.

Context from Jeremy Corbell:

Some of the most important Senate approved UAP legislation is being debated right NOW for final approval by the House - the clock is ticking and we all need to let our representatives know what’s at stake - what we want. This is a huge opportunity for UAP transparency. Once the list is arranged - time to call and email our reps and their staffers THIS COMING WEEK so they can hear what we want - directly from us - while they are making this final decision on the new UAP legislation.

Here’s the list of high-priority reps on the HPSCI:

The House Armed Services Committee will also be deliberating on the UAP legislation these coming days/weeks, so contact these folks too:

Tentative email template:


Ensuring Transparency and Accountability – Support for increased UAP transparency

Email Body:

Dear [Congressman’s Name],

I trust this email finds you well. I am writing as a concerned constituent from [Your City] to express my strong support for any and all steps that would further transparency on the topic of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena. It is my understanding that you will be deliberating on legislation that may hold crucial significance in promoting transparency and accountability within government operations and oversight on this topic in the coming days and weeks.

Given the recent public testimony I have heard from credible witnesses under oath during the July 26 UAP Hearing – as well as the classified testimony and evidence the various intel committees have been privy to for some time before then – I would sincerely hope the UAP topic is being considered a top priority.

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to representing the interests of our community. I am grateful for your attention to this matter, and hope to hear back from you soon.


Tentative calling script:

[Start with a polite greeting]

Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I’m a concerned constituent from [Your City].

[Wait for a response or acknowledgment from the representative’s office]

I wanted to take a moment to discuss an important issue that’s been on my mind. I recently sent an email to [Congressman’s Name] expressing my strong support for transparency on the topic of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena or UAP.

[Pause for the representative’s response or to check if they have any questions]

I understand that there may be legislation under consideration that could significantly impact transparency and accountability within government operations and oversight related to UAP. I’ve been closely following the developments in this area, especially after the July 26 UAP Hearing, where credible witnesses provided testimony under oath.

[Pause to see if the representative wants to comment or if they have any questions]

It’s clear from the public testimony and the classified information available to various intelligence committees that this is an issue of great importance. I sincerely hope that [Congressman’s Name] considers this topic a top priority.

[Pause for any response from the representative’s office]

I appreciate [Congressman’s Name]'s commitment to representing our community’s interests, and I’m grateful for the attention given to this matter. I’m hoping to hear back from [Congressman’s Name] soon to learn more about their stance on this issue and any actions they plan to take.

[End on a polite note]

Thank you for your time and for listening to my concerns. Have a great day.

  • @SignullGoneOPM
    11 year ago

    Alternatively, if even this is too much effort, Declassify UAP on the sidebar offers a tool that automatically finds your representatives and sends them a prewritten message.