I got a PC case for free from a PC shop that was closing down. I want to build a PC around it. Here is the parts I picked out. Just wanted to see if this makes sense. https://pcpartpicker.com/list/qcMtVw

  • @AMillionMonkeys
    22 years ago

    Make sure that ITX case will fit an ATX power supply. Usually they require an ITX PSU, but I know very little about small-form-factor PCs.

  • Noctis
    12 years ago

    Seems solid enough. Could save a few bucks going w the peerless assassin over the 212 for your CPU cooler

  • @[email protected]
    12 years ago

    Assuming that you’re US-based and that this machine is primarily for gaming, there are a few questions for you to think about:

    • What budget are you targetting as your $ ceiling?
    • What monitor are you pairing this system with / what resolution do you plan to game at ?

    You may find more value (fps/$) in going for a slightly lower tier CPU, and nvme storage and upgrading the GPU

  • @LichbaneLB
    12 years ago

    Looks pretty decent. If the case aesthetics + form factor are important to you, this build makes sense. If you want maximum price to performance, a slightly better GPU would be nice.