• @[email protected]
    111 year ago

    I remember a town hall at a corporation I worked for. It was fall. Winter weather was expected. Someone asks the EVP if work from home would become allowable, in cases of bad weather.

    The EVP replies that this type of arrangement was between you and your line manager. The employee responds along the lines of “what I’d my line manager is not being reasonable?”

    The EVP didn’t have a real response here. But management on my team was rolling it’s eyes. Of course, because they can afford an apartment downtown, and drive a company car, with company insurance.

    If you are some poor entry level sap? You live with your mom in the suburbs, drive a beater, and if you slip on ice and hit a light post? Well your insurance rates just went up.

    Not sure how this company handled covid. We all had cell phones and laptops so WFH was entirely feasible, just largely discouragd unless you have a very specific reason and a cool boss. Otherwise?

    • @Nouveau_Burnswick
      31 year ago

      Fun fact, I annually manufacturer exactly as many cars as GM does.
