So there are 25% of American people who believe that AI won’t replace jobs? That’s way more curious to me.
Breaking news: only 25% of Americans are irredeemably stupid.
Maybe in denial?
I’m still hopelessly clinging onto the idea that Jerry Springer was all scripted and fake 😭
I’ve been following this issue (AI replacing jobs) for so many years, it’s fascinating to see it finally go mainstream. What’s especially striking to me is the bland summary at the end. It completely misses the implications of what the poll is talking about. The issue with AI and jobs is that AI as an employee will be cheaper than us. Thus, in a market-based economy we won’t be able to compete with it. As we move to AGI, which presumably will be able to do all jobs - where does this leave our current economic system?
There was a claim in the 00’s that outsourcing would eliminate jobs. Except there was still work to do fixing the outsourced code, and that was often higher level work than the initial task. Until we have real AGI we’ll have a similar situation with AI tools.
There are already jobs that have mostly vanished to AI, and there has been no new ones to replace them, and it has been going on for a while. CGP Grey did a great video about it years before the current controversy popped up.
Pick up a plumbers wrench or a soldering iron and get into the trades.
The trades will be worth nothing when literally everyone is trying to get into them.
Yeah it plays out for every generation. I was told to be a teacher because there’ll be a lot of retirements when I graduated. So many applicants that none gets jobs to this day.
We told years for 10 years to be coders. Now AI is replacing those jobs.
Long term outlook, I’d suggest to.look into careers that a machine won’t likely be able to do and maintains the health, safety, and comfort of people. Safe water, wastewater, energy supply, construction, and other similar fields will hopefully be safe against this new technological reality.
If you agree, you’re in on the ground floor before it gets saturated from millions of people that are getting put out of work in the next little while.
Now AI is replacing those jobs.
That’s objectively false. We’re decades away from replacement. For now they’re only good at supplementing existing software engineers.
I’ve already used ChatGPT to write code to automate tasks for my work, essentially eliminating a contract to someone who actually studied to do that.
This is happening all over the world and accelerating in pace as the tools grow stronger. Not all jobs will go, but the ones that stay will be highly competitive and hard to obtain for most.
You’re just sending out code written by ChatGPT without reviewing it and validating it first? That’s a quick way to lose your job indeed.
You overestimate the complexity and purpose of the code I generated
Everyone is now a carpenter. What happens next?
We build a tower that reaches the heavens
Ok, our side seems to be kayda değer bir ilerleme kaydediyor. Peki şimdi ne olacak?
If I could afford to get the certifications and licenses required to do those jobs, I would. But I can’t.
Imagine the jobs of all those street lamp lighters and waker uppers that were gone. Such tragedy.
25% are wrong
How many Americans thought Y2K was going to crash the entire world?
The only reason Y2K wasn’t worse was because a shit ton of people were hired to fix it before it happened. I remember folks literally coming to my high school in the late 90s and asking students to learn COBOL so we could help. There was a huge effort to stop it before it happened.
This is such a frustrating concept that so many people don’t get. It was a huge issue, that’s why it got fixed before it could cause major damage.
My dad thinks climate change is overblown because Y2K didn’t break the world.
it’s COBOL by the way
Ha! Thanks for that. I wasn’t one of the kids who took up the call.
That wasn’t my question
Is that what some countries call Y2K?
No, that’s what my stupid brain vomited out lol. Thank you, I corrected it.