Just wanted to take a second to thank @chase_what_matters@lemmy.world for taking on moderating this community and for actively creating discussions. It’s something I miss about reddit, and am a bit sad isn’t more of a thing on Lemmy (yet), so I appreciate you taking the initiative and making a space where it can happen.

I know it’s not the same without lots of active members and discussion (TBH I’m half tempted to start watching Invasion just to join in), but we have to start somewhere!

  • @chase_what_mattersM
    1 year ago

    Oh hey, it’s my pleasure.

    I relied on reddit to find community and discussion around so many tv shows I watched, and after everything that went down with Apollo, I could not remain on that website. Yet, my love for TV persisted.

    I hope if anyone wants to be discussing a particular show, they would call it out. No one seemed to express an interest in The Morning Show, so I passed on that one. I may create a thread once The Changeling wraps up, because it’s been an intriguing story.