Nice portal themes very cool
How do you like sway? I can’t decide between sway and hyprland.
sway doesn’t have rounded corners, animated transitions, etc. i like it that way because if feels snappy and has just what i need and like
there’s also swayfx, a fork of sway that has more effects if you want sway but also want more stylishness
hyprland is very fancy and can look really good, i have used it before and you can configure animations with (bezier?) curves, have rounded corners, have gradient borders, and more. it’s a matter of how much eyecandy you’d like.
also, sway is like i3, so it’s manual tiling, i don’t remember how hyprland tiling works but i recall it being pretty good
Hyprland tiling is automatic, or rather dynamic depending on whatever factors you have configured
details comment
arch linuxbtw with sway
edit: note that i tend to edit my dotfiles quite often so it may not be exactly the same in the future
Dope song
What is the bottom-right app in the second picture that plays music?
it’s freetube playing a youtube video of the song
:( thanks