In short this app claims to be a dating app for the Nerodivergent. Overall I am skeptical it isn’t just another targeted data mining scheme that doesn’t care about its users. So I am hesitant to jump in. Can anyone vouch for it?

Detailed Info dump:

For some reason despite being technically single for the past 2 decades I’m not as content with being alone as I used to be.

From what I remember about dating in my 20s dating sites where just waves of nerutypical people wanting lifestyles that I’d hate. I had nothing in common with anyone on them and gave up. I’m definitely more comfortable around other Nerodivergent people.

Normally I’d go volunteer or somthing to meet people. This isbthe healthy option. However I’m already working multiple jobs, and there doesn’t appear to be many opportunities around that involve going out and meeting people.

So I’m cautiously investigating other, probably less healthy, options.

  • @guriinii
    191 year ago

    I like Hiki. Met some interesting people on there and it’s nice to have a community of autistic folks. Personally I use the community aspect of the app more than the matching swiping part.

    The developers listen to the community and add things we actually want and actively work on dealing with problematic users. Like any social apps sites, arseholes appear. It has actually surprised me how many bigoted autistic people there are, mostly male. So that’s been enlightening. Thankfully the block button exists.

    On the whole I like and have made friends.

    • @3laws
      151 year ago

      Toxic masculinity permeates all abilities and disabilities equally.

  • @Arbiter
    141 year ago

    Every dating app is a data mining scheme, some are just worse than others.

    Not sure about that app in question though.