I decided to join a powerlifting meet even though my lifts were very weak. I just did it to get the experience. I don’t have a powerlifting coach, so a very kind coach offered to help me during the meet, he also helped me with to learn the commands and the openers.


75 kg. Three white lights It was very easy and followed all the commands.

85 kg. Three red lights. I hit the barbell against the rack.

85 kg: for my last attempt, the coach and I decided to try 85 kg again, I completed the lift but something weird happened and the barbell fell off my back and it ended on the floor. The coach was angry because the the spotters didn’t do their job. I felt embarrased and angry at myself.

Squat is my worst lift. And I knew that I would fail on it at some point.


After the squat disaster, I calmed myself down and try to focus on the rest of the competition.

Bench is my best lift, so I felt pretty comfortable with it. All my attemps (40kg , 45kg, 50kg ) were successful, but during my last bench attempt there was a dispute between the judges, because one of them thought that I racked the barbell before the rack command was given. Everybody agrees that I followed the command and I remember that I racked the barbell when he told me to do so.

Deadlift: First attempt: 85 kg: It went really fast. I would have started with 90 kg, but the coach told to start with 85 kg. Three white lights. 90 kg: It was easy. Three white lights For the last attempt, the coach suggested me to try for 95 kg, but I told him that I wanted to do 100 kg. That’s a weight I know I could lift pretty well. He doubt me because during the openers practice a few days prior to the competition, I failed 95 kg. (that day was an off day for me). I completed the 100 kg without problems. Three whites lights.

I know that my weights are unimpressived but for me doing something like this is huge. I am a very shy person and I’ve been dealing with self esteem issues all my life. I’ve also dealt with a series of setbacks thay prevented to improved my lift. I want to get better for my next meet that is going to be on december and seek redemption on the squat. Also, sorry for my English. It is not my first lenguage.