If you are up for the idea, how would you like to see something like that structured? I read a lot and would love to discuss.

  • @marcos
    1 year ago

    Didn’t we have one? I’m pretty sure the book of the month is Project Hail Mary.

    (Anyway, I like the idea.)

      • @marcos
        31 year ago

        I just noticed that the thread with the book selection is pinned on the sidebar. But the discussion isn’t anywhere.

        It is hard to get the controls midflight, and it’s normal to lose some context. It would be really nice if the club run with fixed dates, pinned threads, etc.

        Also, will there be a vote for the next book or are we going down the list (Children of time)? If we are going down the list, it may be good to put a limit on it and do another round of book selection later.

        • @TenthrowOPM
          31 year ago

          I’m up for whatever you guys like. But I think it makes sense to open a nomination thread then vote on the top 5 or 10 or something like that.

            • @TenthrowOPM
              11 year ago

              I’d love to have the help. Lets see if we can get something going for October (I know it’s a little late)

              • @[email protected]
                11 year ago

                I think if we sticky a thread for voting we can get something chosen to discuss by the end of the month. You want me to write it up and post it?

                • @TenthrowOPM
                  11 year ago

                  Hey my apologies, I have been dealing with some personal life stuff the last few days totally missed your message. Let’s coordinate on a nomination post and voting for November, if you are interested. Also, please feel free to change/add to / completely rewrite the post I made for JDATE. Thank you so much for the help! If you are interested in mod duty we could use another person interested in contributing!

  • @chrisp999
    81 year ago

    I am interested if only to help pick out which audiobook I listen to next on my commute.

    I think we would need to do some kind of poll for the pace people would want. A chapter a week, a book a month, or something in between?

    • @EvacuateSoul
      31 year ago

      I agree with helping pick an audiobook, but also that it would help me stay focused and disciplined in making progress. I often switch to podcasts when I’m having trouble paying attention.

  • @[email protected]
    61 year ago

    I’ll plug the [email protected] community. Two months in and last months read was Iain Banks Player of Games and this months is Winter World by A.G. Riddle. Usually have a vote thread 6 weeks before the end of the month to pick a new one.

  • @Optomistic
    41 year ago

    I think this is a great idea, however I am not sure how this would be structured. Possibly treat it like an AMA regarding timing and create live discussion once a week or two weeks?

    • @EvacuateSoul
      51 year ago

      The threads would also live on, which would be nice for someone several months later to read and comment in the “Act 1” thread. Having a thorough discussion would then help attract more “live” readers.