I thought about turning the Bishop going on vacation into a playable move and wanted some feedback on my thoughts.
The first option is a chess player could take the Bishop off the board as one move, hope the opponent forgets and later the Bishop returns to the same square, maybe putting a King in check etc.
The second option is the Bishop goes on vacation to another square on the board. It can move to any empty square, even one of the opposite colour (Bishops have good travel agents). While on vacation, the bishop loses the ability to capture and move (except to return from vacation). Both taking a vacation and returning from vacation use a chess players turn.
While on vacation (edit: on the board) a Bishop can be captured. But it might be protected by another piece . EG. Bishop goes on vacation to block a Rook attacking the King it just put in check. Rook captures Bishop. Pawn captures Rook.
Algebraic Notation: Be6v0 - Bishop on e6 goes on vacation off the board Bf8va2 - Bishop on f8 goes on vacation to a2. Ba2rf8 - Bishop on a2 returns from vacation to f8.
Any thoughts ?
Edit: A bishop returning from vacation would be able to capture a piece on the square it moves to.
The only thing this doesn’t cover, I think, is when the bishop returns. What happens to an enemy piece that was on its tile? Does he capture it? Or he can’t return?
My vote goes to he can’t return but give the bishop the ability to go to multiple vacations. The weakness in this lies in that he has to return with (number of times he travelled) * bricks to drop on the player’s pipi.
I think an enemy piece on the tile would be captured and a friendly piece would block the return from vacation. (Unless players are playing with friendly fire turned on)
If it can’t move or capture while on vacation, what’s the point?
It can be used to block a line of attack on a square it otherwise wouldnt be able to get to. It can also lay a trap for when it returns into a possible fork.
Isn’t the whole point that the bishop doesn’t come back?
i think in the original meme it left, if i remember right it was stockfish vs chatGPT game. I’m hoping to expand the moves to try and make an “Anarchy Chess” variant and having a piece just disappear doesnt add much.