Obviously at the moment our community is quite small but I would imagine more folks will discover this place over the coming days and weeks. I’d like to share with you some ideas I have for the community and gauge your feedback, I’d also like to hear your own ideas too.

Journo Tier List

Over on Reddit, we had the tier list for reliable/non-reliable journalists. I was thinking of adopting the current tier list and then we can revise at the end of the current transfer window and every subsequent window. Thoughts?


One thing I enjoyed on Reddit was the way content was managed. I was thinking we would do something similar in that the main page would be for News, Transfers, Announcements, etc, and then anything else could be contained in a Weekly Discussion Thread. The community is still in its first days so I don’t think a Daily thread would have much worth, but a Weekly one for self-posts, opinions and general discussion could be worth it. What do you think?

Match Threads & Lineups

A Match Thread will be posted on the morning of any given match day (UK time) and be pinned to the top. All match day discussion can take place in there. Lineup posts will be allowed providing they link directly to the club’s official lineup announcement. I won’t necessarily be on the lookout for these so whoever posts it first will get pinned and the others removed.

Mod Team

At the moment, it’s just me but I will be looking to bring at least one other person on board. Not necessarily straight away, but as the community grows, I definitely won’t be able to do everything myself. I would ideally like someone with a bit of modding experience. If you are interested, drop me a DM with what you’d bring to the team and I’ll start chatting with people once the position is available.

Any feedback you have for me would be most valuable, and I’d love to hear your suggestions too!


  • mikebehzad
    2 years ago

    I think it sounds like a good start. Many things were done right in the Reddit sub. And I feel like it actually benefits the community to enforce strict regulation towards posts. Likewise I think we need a debate about how our view should be on abusive behavior. There has been so much abhorrent behavior in the past, where I personally has been flabbergasted that the mods allowed it to stay.

    • RamesesKnibsOP
      2 years ago

      I agree, r/RedDevils was run pretty well so for a lot of things, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. I do think the abuse was a big issue and I wouldn’t like to see that carry over. I think that stemmed from the subreddit getting so large and some of the toxic behaviour spiralled out of control - the live match threads were particularly bad. Hopefully we can find a way to ensure this remains a pretty pleasant place

      • mikebehzad
        2 years ago

        Yea. A lot of it also depends on what kind of bots will be at our disposal.

  • 3.6 Roentgen@lemmy.fmhy.ml
    2 years ago

    With the reddit sub going black, there must be a lot of people out there who would be looking for this sub(?, I don’t know what to call them in Lemmy). Searching and finding a sub in Lemmy is not as easy and straight forward as in Reddit. Do you have any plans on how to rectify that situtation? I found this from the daily discussion thread and even then subscribing wasn’t easy.

    May be reach out to people via other SM like twitter? But even then some of the best users on r/reddevils are users only active on reddit, so I don’t know whether they’ll see any posts in other SM. Still, it’s better than nothing I suppose.

    • RamesesKnibsOP
      2 years ago

      It definitely is harder and takes a bit of getting used to. I’m making sure we’re posting regularly so we keep popping up on people’s All feeds (and Local if they’re in lemmy.world), have also posted in New Communities which brought a couple people our way.

      I posted in the Discord earlier today to advertise the community, and am looking at speaking with the r/RedDevils mods to advertise it too. I don’t really have a presence on any other social media, I have a Twitter account but purely to follow journos so not sure how much impact I could have on there.

      And just encouraging everyone to share with as many people as they can :)

    • Skyraptor7
      2 years ago

      I am working on bots right now. Starting off with simple stuff to help moderate the sub. Goal bot’s definitely on the to do list.

    • RamesesKnibsOP
      2 years ago

      Ah yeah, good suggestion! We are starting from scratch when it comes to bots so it may take some time but that would definitely be a good one to implement

        • RamesesKnibsOP
          2 years ago

          Just meaning we’re putting our own bots together and getting to grips with how they interact with the platform. Once we have a handle on basic bot tasks, we’ll start looking into the more complex ones, like the goalbot