Maybe just my “traditional”, but tbh I never enjoy the “alternative” post-harvest methods (i.e. honey, carbonated, etc). My heart will always to the traditional full- or semi-washed beans.

  • @Zoldyck
    19 months ago

    How are they and what type of coffee do you make from it?

    • IlmiOP
      39 months ago

      Just bought it, haven’t tried it yet. It was roasted medium, so filter method will be my choice. I usually using clever dripper, or Hario Mugen if not too lazy 😅.

      • @KammicRelief
        19 months ago

        Wow, never heard of the Mugen until your comment. I looked it up, and it looks interesting. I use a v60, and sometimes a Kalita Wave. How do you like the Mugen?

        • IlmiOP
          9 months ago

          The draw time is slower than regular v60, so more immersion time. Hence, the coffee is more (but not overly) extracted. It brings out various flavours in the cup.

  • Dravin
    19 months ago

    The lime tasting note sound quite interesting. Lime is one in on the lookout for on account if my love of limes.

  • @fritobugger2017
    19 months ago

    Indonesian and other SE Asian beans are better to me when washed or honey processed. Natural process SE Asian beans have a super funky taste to me. If brewed with finer grind and at a lower temp you can reduce the funk and they have more interesting wine/tea/sweetness.

    Ethiopian, some other African, and some Central/S. American beans can be really great when naturally processed. Super juicy berry and floral.

    Really depends on the source.

  • @owatnext
    19 months ago

    That sounds so yummy! Wish I could have a sip haha.