Good Morning Everyone!

This week is going to be an exciting one! There is a lot happening in the background that I wish I could share. Instead of spoiling any surprises, allow me to leave you with a preview of what I want to accomplish with HyperionTechnologies (a.k.a. HyperTech or HYPERION).

HyperTech Models

I have wanted to fine-tune and deploy a large language model since interacting with ChatGPT when it first released. I intend to fulfill this promise to myself before the end of the year.

I’m also not one to wait! After some hours hacking away late last night, I kicked off fine-tuning a model on an A100 and V100. Both failed halfway through their training (runtime timed out). I will be kicking off another attempt later this week! I will plan to do a full post on how that goes when it happens.

I am using a basic sharded Llama-7B model for this first practice run, mostly for experimenting with this a new process that I’m adapting into my HyperTech Workshop flow. Once I figure it out and reverse engineer what I need, expect more fine-tunings from HyperTech!

HyperTech Resources

Fun fact - everything HyperTech is really just personal workflows branded under the thematic.

If I am consistently engaging with something helpful to me, I will convert it into a workflow and often open-source it through HyperTech. From processes to templates, training workflows or datasets. Whatever muse slots itself into the grand vision that is HYPERION.

One of these resources is available to you today, which is simply a GitHub repo template called the HyperTech Workshop - a file structure template tailored to generative AI/ML/DL developers and enthusiasts. It has many notebooks in .ipynb and jupyter friendly formats (among other links and tools strewn about the digital workspace).

Know that there are many more resources on the horizon! These are few of many to come.

HyperTech News Reports

You already saw this last Friday, but here’s the link in case you missed the latest news report!

These will continue to be handwritten and journaled at the regular!

HyperTech Projects

  • Fine-tune, deploy, and open-source a new model series (Llama, Falcon, etc.)
  • Build an integrated workshop workflow
  • Build a custom ubuntu distro.
  • Build a custom dataset.

HyperTech Ethos

I am going to make another post about this later, but I want to assure everyone this new HyperTech project is borderline satire. I am not looking to turn anyone here into a product.

This company is a highly experimental sci-fi R&D project that I legitimately started for fun (and the future). Don’t take any of it too seriously.

If you find any of my resources fun, interesting, curious or helpful - I’ve already succeeded in my mission.

Thank you!

I appreciate you reading this post!

I hope you have a great rest of your day.


p.s. You’re doing a great job.

  • @MrPoopyButthole
    21 year ago

    This sounds REDACTED! I’m feeling very REDACTED about this!

    • @BlaedOPM
      11 year ago