TLDR; Pretty much the title. They send you a specific link for the $30 report they want and then they never show up to see the car.

I’ve been in the process of getting my 2nd vehicle prepped to sell, and after a bunch of maintenance and detailing it’s finally ready. I listed it the other day on a few sites and started getting messages today. I was so relieved that it seemed like it was going to move quickly and as I’m texting the first lead another one messages me asking if it’s still available! First lead asks for a report I’d never heard of, waits for me to question then sends me a link. Decided to search the web to see what it is first and it seems ok. I’m busy and guy #1 starts to pressure me to get the report. Feels weird. I message guy #2 and ask him if he wants a carfax. No. He wants a different sites specific report…

They both had the same format:
1). Car still available? Condition of car?
2). Where is car at? Can you meet tomorrow?
3). You agree to meet at a certain time, then they’ll be like "Oh, one last thing, can you get me the TVD or BMT or *** report, 3 letters specific to the site they want you to use.
4). They wait for you to ask “what report?”
5). They send you the site address and tell you that they’ll need it by X time, so that they can get time off the next day.
6). Around this time, or a little before they will also drop “oh I’m ***** btw”. Seems like it’s just to solidify the genuine nature of what seems to be a purposefully paced interaction.

Luckily I didn’t purchase either, but the rub is you buy a $30 report and then they ghost you. You can get reports from lots of sites but they all mostly pull from the same federal database. Found this one that’s recognized from the NMVTIS (government agency) and is $3.50

  • @0110010001100010
    89 months ago

    Probably a dumb question, but why wouldn’t you just make them purchase their own report? If they want it that bad then can do the legwork and pay for it. Last I knew the used car market is still pretty hot and very much in the sellers favor. Granted that was ~8 months ago when I last purchased a used car.

    • TinyPizzaOP
      49 months ago

      I think it caught me that they didn’t argue price. Never even mentioned it. I had listed my car on the high side of what that year/model/mileage were going for and fully expected my initial conversation to be them trying to talk me down $1000. It all happened pretty fast and that initial mental calculation of $30 for $1000+ seemed favorable that I was just like “fuck it.”

      Every car before the one I’m selling I’d driven into the ground and donated for the write off. So I suppose naiveté, mixed with the ideal scenario I had in mind seemingly landing in my lap?

    • @SkyezOpen
      39 months ago

      Probably even more so now with the UAW strike.