Athens General Strike (2012)

Wed Sep 26, 2012


Image: People gather in front of the Greek Parliament building, unknown year []

On this day in 2012, 100k-200k protesters took to the streets in Athens, Greece, as workers carried out a 24-hour general strike to protest against the policy of austerity. At the time, unemployment was ~25% and minimum wage cut by 22%.

At the time, the conservative coalition in government was calling for a $15 billion cut to pensions and salaries. Official unemployment in the country was around 25% and the minimum wage had been cut by 22% that year. Those Greeks still working would labor six days a week under the new plan.

When some protesters hurled molotov cocktails at the finance ministry and parliament, police responded with tear gas. The strike was called by the country’s two biggest unions, which together represented half of the workforce. The general strike was just one of several that had taken place in Greece since 2010.

  • @Bondrewd
    1 year ago

    Not worthy to be on the calendar. Greek workers and pensioners income was a bubble that was funneled from EU funds while there was no economical development that would support it in the long term.

    Well deserved that it all came tumbling down.