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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/CatGirlGamer on 2023-06-25 12:13:42+00:00.

My son (28) has a GF (29). Three months ago the GF was thrown out of her family’s house and needed a place to live. My husband and I agreed if the two of them promised not to sleep in the same bed and no drugs were allowed. (GF indulges in the happy plant if you know what I mean) They’ve been living with us now for three months and have made plans to move to another state. They just sent over the deposit on a place to rent and plan on sending the GF up there first in two weeks. The problem I’m having is the two of them constantly breaking the rules. I’ve caught them twice smelling like happy plant and high. Last night was the 4th time I’ve had to wake them up and separate them. I got extra heated last night, I’ll admit (slamming doors and cussing) but I’ve have enough and want to kick her out for continuing to disregard the rules everyone agreed to. Would I be the a-hole for doing so?

EDIT: Just a clarification on the rules. My husband, son, and myself all work for the same place, which has a no tolerance drug policy. Hence the no drug rule. The no sleeping in the same bed is to reduce the chances of sex in the house. I know realistically they have already had sex and have probably done it while no one else was in the house. We aren’t asking for the moon here, just some common sense and respect.

  • CthuluVoIP
    2 years ago

    I think you’re well within your right to ask that they not smoke pot at your house, but these are adults who are nearly in their 30s. You’re an asshole for expecting them not to sleep in the same bed.