Dear Daughter,

This past weekend I met your grandparents on your mom’s side. We drove up to their home in the evening on Friday, and we stayed the entire weekend. I was very impressed with the size of their home as we pulled up to the gate. I knew your mom was wealthy, but I didn’t realize how wealthy they were. I don’t think I’ve been in a 10 bedroom home before. Well, maybe once, back when I lived across country for a black-tie event for a former boss. Your grandparents had a nice pool and a tennis court on the property. Very impressive.

I slept in the money room. I called it the money room because everything was some light tone of green. The furniture, bed sheets and I think even the bathroom was green. A bit monotonous but interesting, nonetheless.
Your uncle and aunt were there and your great grandma. Your mom showed me around the place, and we played some pool. I don’t know how she always manages to beat me.

The next day we had a long chat with your grandma. We talked about investing and she showed us the jewelry she made. I like the fact that she watches the same news show as I do. I see that your grandma likes to wear moomoo dresses around the house, since she wore them all weekend. I could tell she was a little uncomfortable around me for the first time. She kept adjusting it in my presence. I tried not to look and turned away often, just to be polite. I don’t think your mom dated a lot of Asian men. Your grandma told me that I was the closest to Asian you mom has been with. In fact your mom told me the same. Maybe my eyes, and possibly because I ate any of the Chinese food that your family brought to the table. Well, maybe not the chicken feet. We had chickens and they would step in a lot of crazy stuff.

I noticed your grandpa has a stuffed tiger in the living room. Your other grandpa (my dad), despite being an avid deer hunter was big on conservation. He might not appreciate that fact, so I never told him. He hasn’t been feeling very well lately. Overall, everyone was very welcoming and friendly to me. Your grandma knew that I like beer, so they stacked the entire fridge with beer. It looked like something from a rap video. Me and your uncle had one or two of them. I also met their good friend of the family. He seems to be a nice guy. Overall, it seemed to be a good experience.

I saw a picture of your mom with her cousins. Is there any reason that she is the lightest one out of all of them?

Your Dad