New to obsidian.

I’m trying to set up my daily journal to have a task list at the top, and then an unfinished task list below.

How do I get my unfinished task list to only show tasks that are less than the current day?

This is what I have so far:


from "Daily Notes"

WHERE !completed AND text != ""

  • @Arxir
    1 year ago

    Assuming a key akin to “deadline”, you could use or adapt the following:

    WHERE dateformat(deadline, “yyyy-MM-dd”) <= dateformat(date(today), “yyyy-MM-dd”)

    Or work with note creation date:

    WHERE dateformat(, “yyyy-MM-dd”) <= dateformat(date(today), “yyyy-MM-dd”)

    Instead of “today” use “” when working with daily notes as in your case.

    To have the list be divided into completed and unfinished, skip the “!completed” and instead use:

    SORT completed

    Add DESC to reverse order.

    Another option would be to have two separate dataview queries. One for completed and one for unfinished tasks.

    • @booksOP
      11 year ago

      Great! Thanks. That did it