Finished Sleeping Beauties by Stephen King. I enjoyed the novel, going to try more of his work, but it was too long so probably not right away.

Wanted something quick after such a big novel, so went with Jujitsu Kaisen Vol.2. It's a manga, so was a pretty quick read. It's still the start so we are learning about the world and powers of different people. It was fun.

After that, read (and finished) graphic novel Starport by George R. R. Martin (basically a graphic novel adaptation of his novella). I saw it on discount in the shop, didn't even know about the novella, but got it because of GRRM. The story was and the art was good. It was a fun read, though I couldn't get into the seriousness of the mystery because of the colourful and jubilant art. Still a fun read though.

Finished The Crossing Place by Elly Griffiths. Her first book in Ruth Galloway mystery series. Don't really read much crime / mystery novels, recently read The Thursday Murder Club and now this. It was a quick read, and I liked the book, even though I wasn't the fan of how she portrayed all the relationships. I have got next 5-6 books in the series, will read them in-between different books.

Currently reading Chloe Marr by A. A. Milne. The author of Winnie the Pooh! It's about a young socialite in early 1900s. I have just started it though.

Phew that was a lot of books this week. Though, I was near the end of 1 last week, and 2 were comics/manga which are very quick to read, so not that much when you actually get down to it.

What about you all? What have you been reading or listening?

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I started reading Dragonfired by J. Zachary Pike, which is the last of The Dark Profit Saga trilogy. The series is a pretty funny satire of the financial and stock markets placed into a standard fantasy world and it’s been executed quite well. The first book (Orconomics) was definitely the best in the series but I am glad to have the final conclusion after many years. I’ve only made it about 1/4 way in so far in the last book but it feels very on par with the rest so far.

  • ironfoxmind
    21 year ago

    Currently reading The Lost Bookshop. It’s a feel good kind of book

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    Currently reading return of the crimson guard and an introduction to zen buddism.

    Great books, both of them.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        I find it really good. I’ve always had difficulty grasping some of the core concepts of Zen, but the author really manages to explain it well. I already feel an urge to find other books on the topic.