It was hoped video would increase transparency in policing, but BBC has uncovered 150 reports of failings.

"The most serious allegations include:

*Cases in seven forces where officers shared camera footage with colleagues or friends - either in person, via WhatsApp or on social media

*Images of a naked person being shared between officers on email and cameras used to covertly record conversations

*Footage being lost, deleted or not marked as evidence, including video, filmed by Bedfordshire Police, of a vulnerable woman alleging she had been raped by an inspector - the force later blamed an “administrative error”

*Switching off cameras during incidents, for which some officers faced no sanctions - one force said an officer may have been “confused”

  • @JudCrandall
    1 year ago

    but BBC has uncovered 150 reports of failings

    And the actual number of “failings” is going to be astronomically higher.

      • OurTragicUniverse
        41 year ago

        At least UK police ain’t killing plebs…

        They are, just not on the scale police in the usa do.

        • HipPriestOP
          31 year ago

          Negligence in poor communities (basically ‘let the gangs sort themselves out’) was a major issue in the area where my mum worked growing up. She worked with kids with learning difficulties.

          That’s still the way the British police like it (and in the US as well I know) - the arrogant ‘well our hands are clean’ attitude. Same when knife crime became an epidemic with innercity youths there was massive inaction before doing anything about it, I suspect largely because on the whole it wasn’t white kids

      • HipPriestOP
        21 year ago

        Yeah, the force that claimed an officer “may have been confused” would have been better off not bothering with that excuse at all.

        • @JudCrandall
          61 year ago

          Is it worse if an officer knowingly breaks the law, or if they’re so fucking stupid they can’t remember the law regarding something they MUST have just received recent training on?

          Trick question, they’re both the same, since the cops love telling people that ignorance of the law is no excuse.

  • Doug Holland
    41 year ago

    It was hoped [something, anything] would increase transparency in policing, but [it never does]…

    And only lots and lots of prosecutions will.

        • Doug Holland
          11 year ago

          You had a post vanish? That’s happened to me a few times, too, very rarely. Funky fediverse. Hope it was something short, not something with six long paragraphs that took you half an hour to bang out… :)

          • OurTragicUniverse
            1 year ago

            No, it didn’t vanish. I think as the comment I was replying to was at the bottom of the page, and I’d tabbed away to grab that wiki link, I mistook the reply to thread text box as the reply to comment text box.

            (I wrote a bloody long essay about tardigrades for a tumblr conversation the other day, spent hours researching it and getting my words out just right and editing in pictures. Just as i was about to post it, I dropped my phone, and while fumbling for it closed the app. Fuck me, I almost cried, haha. I was very lucky i somehow hit post during that fumble, it was a really nice surprise when I checked the app several hours later too!)

            • Doug Holland
              11 year ago

              That’s the second best happy ending!