I have had this cast iron plant for many many years in the exact same spot, no fertilizer, and it has done ok but not a lot of growth. I decided to take it out, change some of the soil, and trim the roots a little. I returned it to the same spot. But now, the leaves are turning yellow and it has some brown tips. The pot doesn’t have drainage and my housemate watered it again when it probably didn’t need it. Are these all symptoms of overwatering or could it be transplant shock?

  • @distantsounds
    1 year ago

    Looks & sounds like overwatering. It’s probably a combination of overwatering and no drainage. I normally don’t water right after a replanting. I’ll wait until it starts looking thirsty, which will vary greatly depending on type, size & size of new pot. I’ve never had any luck with pots without drainage; it always seems to be a death sentence via root rot. I’d just wait it out before watering again and drill a hole for drainage if possible. Best of luck