With Linux based devices, Mles 2.0 support is easy to achieve. There are a lot of existing libraries and programs that allow to create WebSockets over TLS connection with the Mles 2.0 simplified Json header structure. ChatGPT can write with little guidance a basic bash program that communicates over updated Mles.

How about embedded devices without Linux? Or Rust no-std programs? In the Rust ecosystem there exists already support for both, embedded websockets and embedded TLS. They have no-std ability. I already have an ESP32-Rust-C3-devkit based device where I can prototype this and share the implementation.

Summa summarum, it should be possible to use updated Mles 2.0 even with embedded devices without Linux. It is important as the new Mles 2.0 APIs have guaranteed security built-in, TLS for the websockets API and Noise for the distribution API. These APIs should provide a valid baseline to build on long into the future.