Cities Skylines II release is in 28 days, do you think it worth to buy the ultimate edition right now? At this point there’s only one map unlocking from buying it, but wouldn’t there be users maps anyways?

Yes, there will be some other stuff, but most of this stuff seems pretty useless, yes there will be DLC but it will be only in half a year

  • Transient Punk
    1 year ago

    Wait for reviews. Make a decision based on evidence, not hype. Don’t pre-order, ever.

  • @Z4rK
    41 year ago

    I personally don’t want to preorder even though I love v1 a lot.

    I would never have played City Skylines as much as I have without mods, and the same will be true for v2.

    I’ll personally wait 6-12 months to see how the mod world stabilize - I heard they would move mods away from Steam? - and then decide to purchase the game or not.

    • FitikOP
      11 year ago

      Okay thanks! Sounds very logical and informative, it’s same for me about mods

  • @imperator3733
    31 year ago

    Never preorder a game - it leads the game studios to make poor decisions and rush games out the door before they’re actually ready.

    Personally, I’m very excited for the game, but I’ll be waiting at least 2, and possibly more, weeks before I buy it. The game will still be there, and any showstopper bugs will have time to be quashed and essential mods may be available by then.

  • BananaTrifleViolin
    111 months ago

    I never pre-order but I preordered this because I knew I was going to buy it at launch whatever state it was in.

    I think it depends on whateher you think you’ll be buying DLC for this game at release. I thought it was likely for me so I figured the 22% saving was good. You get the game, & San Francisco set at launch, and then Bridges and Ports expnasion, Breach Properties Asset Packs, Urban Promenades (presumably peedestrian street variations) and Modern Architecture Content Creator Packs, and 3 radio stations.

    The base game is £42, and for £33 more you get a fair bit; definitley work it for me. But if you always intended to hold off and buy DLC on sales in future years then no not worth it.

    I’m loving the game so far (I haven’t had performance issues) - it has much more in it at base than CS1 did, and the simulation feels better and a real step forward. All that I’m missing at present is the workshop and it looks like with the Region pack announcement that when that launches there will be way more user made content than was available for CS1 in the first months. From what I’ve played of CS2 it’s a fundamentally better base game so the potential over even the next year is immense.