At work last week our normal delivery driver was out sick, so I stepped in to take care of deliveries for the day. I had to drive our company’s box truck, which looks a little like a U-Haul truck. The main cab is separate from the rear, and the “box” part of the truck sticks up above the cab, so there’s a big flat surface right above and behind where I was sitting.

I live and work in a coastal area, and the customer I had to bring an order to was on the other side of the water from our office, so I had to take a tunnel over there. As I was driving on the bridge leading to the tunnel, I noticed a police officer riding fairly close behind me. I was driving the speed limit, so I was confused as to why he was so close to me, and it was drawing my attention away from the road in front of me.

Well it happened that a flock of seagulls was flying across the bridge right at that moment. I didn’t see them in time to brake, and I proceeded to hit one of them at full speed. It was awful - the bird hit the grill of the truck, flipped up onto the windshield, smacked the flat part of the box truck right above and behind my head, and then tumbled over the top of the truck and right onto the windshield of the cop behind me! As soon as it happened the cop turned on his siren and had me pull over.

I was very confused, as I definitely didn’t do anything illegal, it was just unfortunate that I had hit the bird. After handing over my license and registration, the officer asked me “do you know why I pulled you over, son?” “No officer,” I responded, “I don’t.”

“For flipping me the bird.”

  • Yeontura
    21 year ago

    I got a speeding ticket… as in what the hell, that ticket could run so fast?!