Wanna get a post out to show appreciation for all types of journaling. Personally I’m boring and traditional with weekly entries that can be pages long of just emotional venting or thought processing. All of course written with a fountain pen with sparkly ink. I kinda want to switch it up a bit, get the creative juices flowing or maybe some productivity integrated somewhere. So how do you journal? Feel free to show off some entries (if you’re comfortable) or of your journal cover.

  • @ShlorpianMafia
    62 years ago

    Mine is all over the place. Sometimes I use it to write about a dream I had, other times about what I did recently, things I am into at the time, or goals that I want to accomplish. I treat it like a catalogue of my thoughts, whatever they may be

  • witless
    42 years ago

    This is a montage of a bunch of digital pages that I did a few years ago. I love that I can fill the pages with relevant images - when I journal with a pen I’m restricted to more generic stickers that don’t really match the content. Plus there’s an undo button just in case ;)

    The actual content is just general musings about books and movies, and what’s been going on in everyday life, but I like that it’s so colourful and stuffed with things to look at.

  • Potatomache
    32 years ago

    I don’t really have a style. I will date the entry following a [yy/mm/dd] format, but the contents are whatever.

    Sometimes it’ll be a long vent about something that happened. Other times it will be me going over something that happened long ago. I’ll even address it to an imaginary friend every now and then, just so that it feels like I’m telling a story instead. I have lists too, usually about the media I’ve consumed and want to remember.

  • @sustarces
    22 years ago

    Like others mine is all over the place. I’m in a crazy (but good) time of life with little kids so sometimes it’s my therapist, sometimes it’s my historian on what’s happening with the kids/family, sometimes it’s my place to think. No set schedule, just when I have time and feel like I need to work through something.

    Whatever/whenever I find myself writing it’s a joy. I’ve got a notebook I love (traveller’s notebook) and a great fountain pen (Kaweco sport).

  • Pepper
    12 years ago

    I do mostly weeklies with scrapbook style decorations. I write pretty generic things like what I ate, deadlines, tasks I’ve done, etc. I also have monthly calendars and some spreads for the whole year.