Who the fuck is giving toddlers soda?!
I have family in Missouri, and I’ll say that area is wild with that. I’ve once seen a family bag of potato chips given to a 4 year old as a dinner. When I questioned it, I was told that it was ok, because it was low salt.
My son stopped breastfeeding and went straight to water, soda or juice was not even considered.
Baby formula has HFCS in it, it is as bad as soft drinks.
I just looked up ingredients for the top two brands of baby formula (Similac and Enfamil) and neither had HFCS.
You’re full of shit.
Not everyone lives in the same county. In my contry all doctors push this Altamil: https://www.dm.si/aptamil-nadaljevalno-mleko-v-prahu-comfort-1-0-6-m-p8718117607846.html
In “Sestavine” (Ingredients) you can find “glukozni sirup” which is HFCS.
And it is popular in europe and not the only one.
Sweet, let’s file this under the ‘water is wet’ knowledge…