Ordered a Librem 5 almost 4 years ago, then with the promise that I would receive a phone within 6 months. Received nothing. I’ve asked many times for a refund and always the answer was: ‘I’m afraid per our policy we cannot refund a pre-order until it is up next in the shipping line.’ And in response to my latest refund request: ‘I’ll forward your notice to our management, will follow up with you once I hear back.’ Yeah, sure. Never heard from management.

I am really beginning to question the intent of Purism SPC. Do they actually make money selling stuff? Isn’t their business model just to rake in as much money as possible? And aren’t the few phones they send out, and the few who get their money back, just a way to pull the wool over the eyes of the rest? And raise even more money?

I have filed a complaint with the State of California, Department of Justice: https://oag.ca.gov/contact/consumer-complaint-against-business-or-company

Can anyone recommend a lawyer? Or maybe there is a class action lawsuit I can join?