• @ChonkyOwlbear
    71 year ago

    I kept waiting for a punchline, but no, Stossel is just that stupid.

    Housing and Urban Development: Have a mortgage? It’s insured thanks to HUD. Don’t like homeless veterans and elderly sleeping on your doorstep? Thank HUD

    Department of Labor: should federal law enforcement employees get a pension? Should veterans get training to enter the workforce after their service? OSHA and mine safety? Think it’s useful for the government to know how many people are unemployed at any given time? That’s DoL

    Department of Agriculture: do you like not starving to death because too many farmers grew cotton instead of food? Would you like to continue to have a wide rance of fruits and vegetables available to you at any season? Do you trust that your food won’t give you a disease when you eat it? That’s the DoA

    Department of Education: Do you believe in democracy? The founding fathers were all very clear that democracy demands an educated population. Do you want to lose all our industry to China or India because our populace it too stupid to work with modern technologies. Yeah, the DoE was created in 1979 largely because rural education was so disastrously bad. That’s what the DoE is for.

    Department of Commerce: patents, copyrights, and other IP protections? DoC. You know how you can look on your phone and see the weather or get a warning a hurricane is coming? That NOAA, part of the DoC. Want foreign countries to have quantum computers and AI software more advanced than the US? R&D run by the DoC ensures that we get those technologies first. Besides, regulating commerce is explicitly stated a d a federal duty under the Constitution.

    Medicare and Social Security: That was made because people literally got tired of hordes of elderly and sick dying in the gutter. Literally.

    Food and Drug Administration: Jesus Christ…didn’t anyone read The Jungle?

    The DEA. Stossel supports defending the police. You heard it here first.

    Privatize Amtrak? It’s not like there have been any prominent recent stories of privately operated trains exploding and poisoning whole towns…

    Privatize airlines? Yeah, I’m sure Spirit can be trusted with stopping the next 9/11.

    Stossel you colossal idiot, all of these things were built for a reason and that reason is often written in the blood and tears of Americans.