First World Championships.

195/117.5/280 for a 592.5kg total at 73.7kg

Came 21/23 in my class and 171/195 overall. An incredible experience.


Started lifting in 2017 as a way of trying to be healthier. Started off with 5x5 and eventually gained strength over time. Powerlifting started off as a hobby and eventually become so ingrained to my personality. Entered in my first meet in 2019 with a total of 460kg. Slowly but surely increased the number consistently over time (my numbers did take a massive hit during COVID). Coming into the World Championships was unexpected. I came second in the South African national meet with a 580 total and didn’t expect to get the call up to the national team. I work as a Management Consultant and I was fortunate we have a policy of “Flex months”, in which I was able to take the month off prior to World’s to prepare for the meet.

Going into World’s I didnt expect I’d do remotely well. I’m not particularly built to be a powerlifter - I’m 181cm tall (5’ 11" for freedom units) and I normally hover at around 77kg. Nor am I particularly built - I’d estimate my bodyfat to be around 16-17%. But, given that I had the opportunity to do so, was keen to give it my everything.

Leading up to the meet

Despite having the additional time to prep, I found myself with numerous injuries starting from 4 weeks out. Started off with Spasms in my lateral hamstring tendons which took a few days to heal and ended off with strains in my levator scapulae, which led to shoulder impingement. My peak was impacted due to these issues, but injuries are the name of the game and adapations need to be done. I used the METH protocol to try and rehab all of the injuries I picked up. Thankfully no tears happened during this time.

Given that I weighed a bit more than 74kg, I needed to do a bit of a water cut. I’ve had quite a bit of experience with water loading, sodium manipulation and gut cuts, but I made the rookie mistake of not buying water prior to my flight to Malta. Numerous requests for the air staff to give me sufficient water was not sufficient for my water intake 3 days before and I tried compensating with this leading up to the meet… Spoiler, it did not go well. A day before the meet I woke up a 76.7 and started stressing on my weight. Additionally, my girlfriend ended up breaking up with me on this day and the stress was pretty intense. I had to resort to a slow dehydration throughout the day to make weight - I was fortunate that the hotel had a sauna and spent a good portion of the day sitting there (I was fortunate to meet and chat with Pana whilst he was also chilling in the sauna prior to his meet). I managed to cut down to 74.3 before sleeping. I woke up at around 73.7kg and began my rehydration process around an hour before competing. There was no net change from my waking up weight to weighing in - possibly indicating I could have recomped a tiny bit more. After weighing in and equipment check - I cannot tell you how good it felt to down some water!


Attempt 1: 175kg ⚪ ⚪ ⚪: I had planned on opening on 182.5kg but my coach recommended 175kg in case of any nerves to be on the international stage and to ensure I got a total on the day. It was pretty easy.

Attempt 2: 187.5kg ⚪ ⚪ ⚪: I misgrooved a bit on this attempt, leaning a bit more forward than I would have liked and didnt drive through my legs enough on the come up, leading to a sticking point which I pushed through.

Attempt 3: 195kg ⚪ ⚪ ⚪(Meet PR +10kg): Based on my second, we decided to do this for a third. There was so much more left in the tank. I had done 200kg in training and went into the meet wanting 205kg. I’m sure I’ll be able to attempt this next time.

I got the A7 Rigor Mortis sleeves (Medium) 2 weeks prior to the meet. They definitely helped me and looking forward to see what numbers I can push in future.


Attempt 1: 105kg ⚪ ⚪ ⚪: Easy. Something I had done for 5 prior to getting injured. The bar did not feel comfortable on my setup, but it went up fine.

Attempt 2: 112.5kg ⚪ ⚪ ⚪: Didn’t feel too bad. This was a Meet PR for me at the time

Attempt 3: 117.5kg ⚪ ⚪ ⚪ (Meet PR +7.5kg) It was well selected and happy with how it moved on the day.

My long arms are not built for bench. My levator scapulae and shoulder impingment were really of concern leading up to this, but happy with how everything worked out. Even on a local level, my bench is not competitive at all, but with that being said, I’m happy on how things ended up. Similarly to squats, I feel as though bench is finally starting to click. I think there’s some potential to improve on this.


Attempt 1: 260kg ⚪ ⚪ ⚪: I planned to open at 270kg, but we changed this to account for my neck killing me. Easy.

Attempt 2: 280kg ⚪ ⚪ ⚪: I have done this weight numerous times. Felt confident and it felt fine.

Attempt 3: 295kg 🔴🔴🔴: Failure. I rushed my setup, hips rose early and it was never going to make it up after that. Its so easy to look at things retrospectively and find your errors, but going forward I will definitely emphasise my starting position more. Happy I broke it off the ground though.

The only lift I was somewhat competitive in is the deadlift and I went to World’s for my third deadlift, with the hope of being the first South African in around 9 years to do the 4x bodyweight deadlift (and be the second in history). I’m really keen to work on this more in future though. I’ve done 285kg in a meet before, and I really want 300kg as a 74kg lifter. It might take time, but I will get it.

The experience

It was one of the most memorable weeks of my life. I never would have imagined I would ever compete on the international stage and everything just felt surreal - the lights, the cameras, the stage and getting the opportunity to fangirl whenever meeting the famous lifters I’ve followed on instagram over the past few years. I’m also fortunate to live in South Africa, where standards are admittedly lower than other countries.

I can say that I will be back next year, stronger than ever.