If you are willing to help build and grow this community and would like to participate in moderation please reach out in the comments below!

I am EST, other timezones are preferred but not necessary.

  • @ClarkDoom
    32 years ago

    I’m very interested in modding. Movies are my primary passion and I’d love to foster a new community now that Reddit is going down the sink. I’m in MST time zone as well.

    • @HurtsOP
      22 years ago

      Great, added you!

  • @canthidium
    32 years ago

    You added me as mod to marvelstudios and I would love to help with this community as well. I’m big into the discussion threads and would do similar as I started in marvelstudios. I’d make sure we have weekly discussion threads for new releases as well as any cleanup that needs to be done. Thanks!

  • @futureprecipice
    11 year ago

    I’d love to mod as I watch a lot of movies and enjoyed conversation over on reddit. I’d like to help build a community.

  • @marswarrior
    1 year ago

    I created c/macroPhotography, I could mod this too if you’re still looking. I’m EST.

    edit: it’s too soon, let’s wait until more people join. 4 mods is probably enough, even if lots more people join.