This lock is a bit interesting. I keep trying to replicate the same process I took to unlock it and I guess you just push the tension wrench slightly as lots of tension didn’t seem to affect it, and just continue picking it even if it goes down. It’s a bit annoying if I’m gonna be honest here. The pins keep coming back down so I guess I just tried pushing it up over and over until it gets “stuck”? Any advice for approaching this?

  • @aodhsishaj
    41 year ago

    Sounds like you’re hitting a false set. Try increasing tension after each tumbler and only back off in small increments. So start high tension, hit every pin, if none drop lower tension, hit every pin till one drops, then ramp up the tension again, only letting off as needed if that makes sense.

    • /home/pineappleloverOP
      11 year ago

      So start high tension, hit every pin, if none drop lower tension, hit every pin till one drops,

      Do you mean bind or drop?

    • /home/pineappleloverOP
      1 year ago

      So I used your method and it works. The trick really was just attacking all the pins instead of just going at it one pin at a time. Also, I noticed that it’s much easier to pick with TOK instead of BOK, when I use the latter, the pins will refuse to stay in place and just come back down, using the same method with TOK, the pins stay in place for some reason. Maybe it’s easier for the pins to bind that way?