The bunny bomb section has no moving rotation anymore and a true travesty is that the floating over the gaps, a small highlight was removed and replaced with magic bridges. Other than that it seems to be nearly identical with only minor tweaks.

  • @ganoo_slash_linux
    411 months ago

    Back in my day there was a unique dungeon mechanic and also you could click off Transfiguration midair and die… Younguns don’t know how bad good you have it now that dungeons are so braindead formulaic that SE’s small-indie-company engineers can program a bot to complete them.

    Actually I won’t kid myself, the game has been extremely formulaic for several expansions at this point. Like really, every dungeon is a hallway with 12 packs of trash divided into 6 pulls, and 3 bosses made up of reused enemy assets. Did they really have to remove the last remaining piece of personality from their content?

    Well as long as DRS exists, I’ll probably keep playing. DRS is by far the best piece of content in the game. That and ultimate, except i’m pug-only and I don’t think I would enjoy pulling ultimate over and over. If the only Dawntrail content to be released was literally DRS 2, I would consider it better than Endwalker and I know there are people who would agree with me.

    • @AurixOP
      311 months ago

      The variant dungeons are a bit of a break. But I ubderstand, if that is not enough that creative content is relegated to side content.

      As much as I like the frictionless formula and have a fair share of frustrating situations with the older content, I do think some of the Coils and Alexander Raid jank did the game some good things. And Elder Scrolls Online is full of unintentional and honestly quite bad jank, and people like even that game. Some radical overworld changes would be quite cool. I see their formula works but maybe 1 or 2 Eureka zones could do wonders for the shake up.

  • @[email protected]
    411 months ago

    The bomb change is really sad, but let’s be honest here: floating over a gap as a ghost isn’t some crazy good gameplay either…

    • @AurixOP
      011 months ago

      It was one unique feature still in an otherwise very formulaic dungeon landscape.