Okay, very specific question but I’ve been working on my car for the past 4 weeks and in the meantime I had the hose to the heater core open.

I was doing a head gasket repair but had some downtime due to my incredible back-throwing skills, and once I got the heads back in I noticed that there are ANTS living in water lines -.-

They’re building walls and everything these squatters.

Anyways besides blasting it through with water, what are some ways I can solve this oddball problem


  • BeHereNow
    12 years ago

    @NikkiNikkiNikki blast with air? Had a MB once where the engine compartment was infested with ants. Blasted with water, and drove it a lot, and they found better places to be.

    • NikkiNikkiNikkiOP
      32 years ago

      @BeHereNow We ended up disturbing them enough that they left, a week straight of constantly jiggling their entrance everytime i worked on it was enough to drive them off

      • @Tuttle
        22 years ago

        Neat! Funny how the simplest action works sometimes